No Surprises

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Yu's POV:

I suddenly hear the bathroom door swing open. I quickly dry my eyes and hold my breath. I lift my feet up, too, so that this guy doesn't know I'm in here. In here, and fucking crying.

"Hello?" He knocks on the stall door. "Is someone in there?"

I quickly clear my throat. "Y-yeah."

"Oh, by bad..." He apologizes. "Uh, the other stalls are out of order, so... would you mind hurrying?"

"Uh... n-no, not at all," I cough.

I quickly tear a piece of toilet paper from beside me before flushing it down the hole.

I brush myself down, in attempt to make me look better than I'm feeling.

I take a deep breath, and open the stall door.

Without looking, I walk past the person with my head down, and make my way to the sink.

"No way," he chuckles. "Narukami?"

I freeze.

"Aww, hiding in the stall, were you?" Miura teases me.

"Shut the hell up." I grip the edge of the sink.

"I'm really getting to you, huh?"

"I said shut it."

"Damn. You're so insecure that it's hilarious."

"Shut the--"

"Just face it, okay? Yosuke doesn't love you."

I turn around, pushing him against the wall.

"He loves me more than he'll ever love you," I spit.

"That so?" He splutters beneath my grip. "So why'd he tell me how he felt just before?"

"You're a liar."

"You're not the only person in the world who he could love."

"He'd never love someone like you."

"Funny; 'cause he was saying the same about you and Shin."

"He's not that fucking shallow," I grunt. "Unlike you."

"You know what? Don't believe me. It's fine. But you had best let me go before I make you regret it."

"Try me, bastard."

"Oh, Narukami," he tuts. "That was a bad move."

"Go to hell."

I drop him to the ground, and he huffs, catching his breath back.

"You're just the asshole I thought you were."

And he doesn't even go into the stall. He leaves the bathroom, without another word.


Yosuke's POV:

"Hey," Giichi says, rubbing his neck.

"What's up with you?"

"Nothing. Just, uh, ran into Narukami in the bathroom."

"Was he okay?" I ask.

"Okay?" He scoffs. "Asshole attacked me. Again."


"Look!" He points to his neck. "You can see where he grabbed me."

And, yeah, there are marks on him. But that's still absurd. Yu wouldn't just attack him out of nowhere. Hell, the Yu I know wouldn't attack him at all.

I'm starting to suspect that Giichi is a liar, and that he's trying to ruin Yu's life. But... Jesus, why?

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