Wonder How It Feels

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Yu's POV:

I never thought I would actually do it. I never thought I could actually do it.

Seeing Shin hit a guy felt like a punch to the gut for me. I can't imagine how Rise might have felt.

She knows I care about her. And that I won't let anybody hurt her. So why did she seem so pissed?

When Shin did it, he had the upper hand. When I did it in the bar, I felt... powerful. But, now? I just feel numb.

I wonder what Shin would have said if he saw me. Would he have encouraged me? Or have told me to stop?

I can't imagine the look on Yosuke's face when he finds out. I know he'll be disappointed for sure.

But I never wanted to disappoint him. I want to make him proud.

Maybe Miura's right. Maybe I am just an asshole. An... inhumane thing. An uncontrollable thing.

I don't even want to think of my friends right now. I just want to be alone.

But the thought keeps haunting me.

If you'd told me a year ago that I'd have come to this, I would never have believed you. Sure enough, if you told me a year ago that I'd have a boyfriend, I wouldn't have believed you.

Maybe coming back here was a mistake. Maybe everything since then has went downhill because of me.

Why does this always happen?


Yosuke's POV:

"Which way did he go?" I ask as we all leave the ice rink.

"I'm not sure," Rise sighs.

"Whichever's closest to Dojima-san's place," Kanji shrugs.

"And which would that be?" I roll my eyes.

"Maybe we should just leave him," Naoto suggests. "He probably needs to blow off some steam, anyway."

"No," I shake my head. "I won't leave him."

"He's probably home by now," Giichi assures me.

"No," I snap. "I had one job all night, and I fucked it up."

"Yosuke..." Yukiko says.

"All he wanted from me was to be there. And I never fucking was."

"It's not your fault," Giichi whispers. "It was mine."

But now I've realized that I've just yelled at my friends for something they haven't done. This is on me. I made the decision to go with Giichi. They don't need me to yell at them, too.

"Don't say that," I sigh. "I'm sorry, I just... I have to go."

"Hey, where are you going?" Chie scoffs, watching as I walk away.

"I have to find him... somehow."

"Let me come with you," Giichi calls after me.

I quickly turn, walking backwards, now. "I'll call you when I get home," I smile.

"Do you even know where you're going?" Rise asks.

I shake my head. "I know I'll find him. I just know."

"Yosuke, please..." Giichi begs. "Don't go near him."

"Giichi," I chuckle. "I'll make everything right. I promise."


Yu's POV:

"Yu!" I hear a faint voice call from behind me.

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