Behind My Back

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Yosuke's POV:

"Uggh, I can't eat another bite," Kanji groans, rubbing his stomach.

"I can!!" Teddie pounces onto Kanji's plate, taking all the leftovers.

"Ugh, you animal," Chie groans. "But, I'm stuffed, too."

"It was quite the delicacy," Naoto smiles, dabbing her face with her napkin. "Great idea coming here, Senpai."

"Mhm," Yu nods.

His leg bounces beneath the table, as he drums his fingers across his knee.

I reach over to put my hand on his thigh, but Shin beats me to it.

"Are you okay? You've been acting weird since we got here..."

"I'm fine," he whispers.

"Talk to me, koibito. Tell me what's really going on."

"Here's your bill," Emi says, placing it on the table in front of us. "Are you doing anything tomorrow, Yu?" She asks.

"Yeah, he is," I grunt.

"Oh?" She frowns. "Aww, that's a shame... What are you up to?"

"Um.." Yu bites his lip.

"He's just... uh... Going to some theatre. You probably haven't heard of it."

"Think I can tag along, too?"

"Actually..." Yu mutters.

"He's going on a date," I explain.

"Wait, what?!" Shin frowns.

"Ooh, with your mystery lady, eh?" She smirks.

"That's... the one," he nods.

"How about after that? I've called up Rio, Akrio and Arashi to meet us there!"

"Who're they?" Yukiko asks.

"Just our friends," Emi giggles. "We all go way back."

"Th- that's a great idea, Emi..." He stammers.

"But we're heading home tomorrow," Shin shrugs. "So we probably won't have time."

"Oh, yeah?" She says. "What time does the train leave?"

"...Late at night, isn't it?" Kanji yawns.

"Then there's plenty of time!" She clasps her hands together. "Oh, this is so perfect! I can't believe it!"

"...Neither can I," Yu mutters.

"Feel free to bring your friends along, too!" She smiles. "I'm definitely bringing Mika, as well! You remember her, right?!"

Fucking brilliant. There's no way in hell can he go now.

"Mhm," he replies.

"Ahh! Great!"

"Let's just pay and leave, alright?" Shin grunts, obviously also overwhelmed by her overbearing personality.

"Got it," she smiles. "See you tomorrow!"

"What a prissy bitch," Shin scoffs as soon as she's gone.

"No objections, here," Chie sighs.

"It's clear what she wanted," he continues.

"What?" Yu asks.

"She wanted in your pants, dude."

"Shin, what the fuck?!" I snap.

"Is all you think about fucking sex?" Yu scoffs.

"It's obvious," he shrugs. "Just shoot her down, or whatever."

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