Bad News

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Yosuke's POV:

"How is she doing?" I ask, my breath shaky.

I hug my waist with one arm while holding my chin with the other, trying to stop myself from pacing back and forth.

"She'll be okay," Rise sighs with relief. "It was a tough blow, but nothing she can't handle."

"Hell yeah!" Teddie punches the air with a grin.

"What about Yu...?" Chie asks, quietly.

I was trying not to think about him. Trying, and inevitably failing, of course.

I want to find them, but I don't know how. The guys surrounding the Shadow didn't leave. I wonder if I can find something out.

"Senpai?" Rise says, watching me head over to the group, all of whom are still kneeling on the ground.

"Shin." I shrug his shoulder. Once softly, twice harshly. "It's me, Shin," I sigh. "Talk to me, will you?!"

Blank stare.

What he hell did she do to him?!

"Shin, please," I say through gritted teeth. "I need you. I need you, okay? So come help me. I love you, Shin. Please, don't keep doing this. Take control of yourself, dammit."

I think I see a twitch. But then nothing.

"FUCK!" I scream.

"H-hey, calm down," Yukiko hisses, standing beside me. "Do you want the Shadows to start attacking us?!"

"These are all real people," I scoff, gesturing to them. "And... we have to save each and every one of them."

"Starting with Shin," she nods.

I smile a little.

"Get him back for us," she says, leaving me alone again. And when I say alone, I mean alone with nobody but a bunch of brainwashed losers.

I grab Shin by his collar, and pull him up to meet me. My own strength actually suprises me. "Fucking wake up!" I slap him across the face, expecting him to defend himself. But he doesn't.

He pauses for a moment, like he's comprehending what I just did. Hell, even I can't believe it.

Slowly, his eyes meet mine again. "Yosuke?" He murmurs, rubbing his cheek.

"Shin?" I gasp.

"Gah... My head hurts... What happened?"

"There's... no time for that," I shake my head, admittedly proud of myself. "Do you know where Hana took Yu?"

"She took him?" His eyes grow wide, his fists balling.

"You didn't know?" I sigh.

"The last thing I remember is seeing her... And then it's all a blur."

"Don't fall into her traps," I warn. "You have to resist her."

"...Got it."

He's... doing as I say? Geez, maybe he is still brainwashed. Only this time I'm the one who's controlling him.

"We have to find him," I say.

"I know," he mutters. "If he's with Hana..."

"Her Shadow," I correct.

"...If he's with her Shadow... Yosuke, we have to go. Now."

"Where?!" I scoff. "The bitch blocked off the stairway."

Shin turns to glance over at it, sighing in defeat. "Well, we can't just sit here and do nothing."

"You guys," Kanji groans, beckoning us over. "We have to trust him. That's all we can do for now."

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