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Yosuke's POV:

"Is everyone ready to order?" Naoto asks.

"Hrm, I'm still thinking..." Yukiko mumbles, reading through the menu.

"What're you having, koibito?" Shin asks. Annoyingly, he sits at the other side of Yu. He just had to, didn't he? He has to butt in to everything he isn't a part of.

Yu shrugs.

"Come on, the silent treatment? Really? Just talk to me, okay?"

"Maybe he just doesn't want to talk to you," I scoff.

"How would you know?" He frowns. "He told you?"

"Just look at him, asshole," I roll my eyes. "If he wanted to talk to you so badly, wouldn't he have done it by now?"

"...Have I upset you?" He asks, quietly.

"Leave him alone," I groan. "Jesus, man, you just don't know when to freakin' quit."

"Listen, if I'm not wanted here, I can easily move along."

"Do it," I scoff. "You weren't invited here in the first place."

"I-in all fairness, we all kind of just invited ourselves," Yukiko says awkwardly.

"Hey, don't stand up for him!" Chie groans.

"Yu," he sighs. "Do you want me to leave?"

Yu doesn't even spare him a look. And I love it.

"Answer me," he whispers.

"Hello, are you ready to order?" The waitress asks us.

"Sit down, Shin-san," Naoto mumbles. "You're making a fool out of us."

He does as he's told.

"...Wait a second..." The waitress says. "Is that you, Yu?"

"What?" He lifts his head up, and looks over to the waitress.

"Oh, my god, it is!!" She squeals. "Geez, how long has it been?!"

"...You... know her, Senpai?" Rise frowns.

"Aww, you look so grown, now!!" She gushes. "What are you doing back in Tokyo? I thought you left for good!"

"I did come back," he sighs. "But you weren't there."

"I've moved on, Yu," she says. "I can't hang around anymore like we did when we were kids."

"You didn't even call."

"Yeah... Well, there was... Well, things happened, you know?" She frowns. "I didn't... I mean, I didn't believe it, but... Geez... Mika was my main priority. She was hurting and-"

And it's almost like something is set alight in Yu. He forgets to breathe for a moment.

"Hey," I whisper. "Are you...?"

"What about the others?" He asks, pretending that nothing has just happened.

"Not sure," she sighs. "I haven't spoken to them for a good while."

"You just... stayed in touch with her, then, right?"

Her? He means Mika-san? What's her significance? She's this woman's friend, right? Did Yu used to date her, or be friends with her, or something?

"Of course," she smiles. "We're still besties, even after all this time!"

"I see..." He murmurs.

"Hey, do you have a girlfriend yet? Ooh, is it one of these girls?!" She giggles. "Oh, it's definitely you, isn't it?" She motions to Chie.

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