Memento Mori

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Please note that this chapter contains a homophobic slur, and may not be comfortable to some readers.

Yu's POV:

By the time lunch rolls around, I'm already up and out of my seat with Shin at my heels.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" He asks. He's been talking about this all morning. All the things that could go wrong, what they could do; how they could do it.

"I'm not a fucking princess, okay? I don't need protection from someone like you."

"'Someone like you'?" He scoffs. "You know how much I love you."

"I don't care about that right now," I snap.

"Oh," he sighs.

"Have you got the keys for your car?"

"Yeah." He pulls them out of his pocket to show me.


"Partner?" Yosuke's meek voice calls. "Where are you headed?"

"Nowhere. Don't worry about it," I murmur.

Yosuke looks at Shin, concerned.

"I'm coming, too," he decides.

"No way in hell," I object.

"I'm not taking my little brother there," Shin steps in.

"So, you admit: you're going to do something dangerous?" Yosuke scoffs.

"Don't be stupid," I sneer.

"Yu, what the hell is--"

"Get in," Shin says, unlocking the car.

"He isn't coming with us," I frown. "It's too risky."

"I'm not leaving you," Yosuke stares at me, meaningfully.

I sigh in defeat. "Just stay behind me, okay?"


Yosuke's POV:

I sit in the back of Shin's car. None of us have said a word. My only prediction is that we're going to see Shin's old friends. But why the hell would he let Yu do this?! He knows it's a suicide mission. Fucking dumbass.

It's not long before we pull up outside an alleyway. At the end, there's an indoor bar.

"We're here," Shin announces. Then, he turns to Yu and reaches for his hand. "Are you sure you want to do this?"

"I'm sure." Yu snaps his hand back.

"Alright," he sighs. "Yosuke, stay in the car, okay?"

"No way!" I yell. "What if something happens to you guys and I can't back you up?!"

"Nothing's going to happen." Shin tries to calm me, but Yu's already gone. He's went off without us, into the bar. Alone. "Fucking hell, Narukami." Shin's nostrils flare as he takes the key out of its slot, and opens his door.

Surprisingly, he ushers for me to get out, too.


Yu's POV:

What the hell am I even doing here? I have no idea who I'm looking for. What I'm looking for.

I make my way up to the bar, and the batista greets me with a seductive smirk. "Aren't you a little young to be here?"

"That's my business."

"Oh-o, I see," she chuckles with delight. "In that case, could I get you a drink?"

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