All Or Nothing

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Yu's POV:

Yosuke and I enter Café Leblanc once more and take our seats. It's almost as though our friends haven't even noticed us.

"What was that about?" Teddie asks Yosuke quite loudly, with the attention swiftly moving onto us.

"Shut it," he snaps.

"Don't yell," I say in a quiet voice.

"What's gotten into you two?" Naoto frowns. "You were fine just a moment ago."

"Just... stuff," Yosuke spits.

But, I get it. I know he's tired of waiting for me. I'd be, too, if I were him. Especially if he were dating somebody so close to me. I don't actually think I'd have the patience.

Shit... he must really love me, huh? But he knows his value. He needs more than what I can give him right now, and he wants to be set free.

But I can't bring myself to let him go. Similarly enough, I can't bring myself to break Shin's heart.

I think I'm mainly scared of Shin's reaction. Not that he'll cry, or yell, or anything. I'm afraid he'll hurt me.

Hit me, punch me, hell, even fucking stab me.

I shouldn't think like that of him, but... He does have a violent nature.

I just sincerely hope he doesn't lash out on Yosuke.

It's never been his fault. Yosuke deserves nothing more than happiness. With whoever he finds it with...

"Here's your curry," Ren smiles, laying the plates down in front of us.

Suddenly, I've lost my appetite.

"You're not gonna eat?" Rise asks, her mouth already full.

"...Ah, sorry," I murmur. "Just... not feeling too good." I glance over to Yosuke opposite me.

"Again?" Shin sighs. "Is something wrong? Do you want to go see a doctor?"

"N-no, I'm okay," I laugh a little awkwardly.

"Do you want to head back to the hotel?" He offers. "I can take you and I'll make you some hot chocolate."

I watch Yosuke's eyes. They don't move from his coffee cup.

"Actually, forget what I said," I shake my head. "I'll be okay."

"...Okay," he mumbles. "Just tell me if you change your mind."

As if finally catching on, Yosuke looks up and mouths the word 'sorry' to me. I shrug it off, trying not to make it too big of a deal.

I guess he just doesn't want to be alone with me anymore.

"Ah, you're right," Yukiko exclaims, cooling off her burnt tongue. "It is delicious!"

"Well, thank you," the owner smiles with satisfaction.

"Hey, when are your other friends coming here, Ren-kun?" Chie turns her head.

"Not for a while, actually," he smiles. "I just wanted to see what the commotion was with new customers."

"Aw, so we won't get to meet them?" Kanji frowns.

"Depends on how long you stay," he smirks.

"We should get going soon," Yosuke mumbles. "We have stuff to do."

"I get it," Ren shrugs. "You must have a lot of work to do, it still technically being a school day, after all."

"Quite the opposite, actually," Naoto purses her lips. "Why are you in such a hurry, Yosuke?"

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