Who We Are Right Now

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Yu's POV:

All Yasogami students meet in the cafeteria for breakfast.

Yosuke and I still haven't spoken about last night. About all the things we admitted to -- all the things we wanted to say.

Admittedly, yeah, I am a bit upset that he kissed Miura. But I kissed Shin, too, didn't I? I guess that makes us even?

Still, I hate thinking that that bastard was as close to him as I was.

"Aw, you shittin' me?" Kanji groans, backing away after Teddie spills over his glass of water.

"Whoops!" He chuckles. "Sorry, Kanji."

"You little--"

"Kanji!" Rise scolds. "It was an accident, okay!? Don't yell at him!"

"Y-yeah, he's being really mean, Rise-chan," he pouts.

"Yosuke, go get Kanji another glass of water!" She demands.

"What?" He frowns. "Why me?"

"Because I said so."

"Whatever," he sighs, picking up his own glass for a refill.

"Hey, I'll come, too," I smile.

"For what?" Shin asks. "It doesn't take two to go up and get water, does it?"

"I want to fill up, too," I shrug.

"I could go get you another glass," he says.

"Jesus, Shin, take the fucking hint, okay?" Yosuke mutters.

"What the hell is up with--?"

"C'mon, Yu," he says, leading the way.


"That was a bit harsh," I remark, watching him as he heads for the water fountain.

"A bit harsh?" He scoffs. "After what he did? I coulda said worse." He doesn't even face me.

"R-right," I murmur. "I'm sorry to have said anything."

"No, Yu, I'm just... pissed off. It's nothing to do with you."

"...Why're you so mad?" I dare to ask.

"Honestly? I don't know."


"Maybe it's just letting all these emotions out that I've felt for so long that's making me so stressed."

"You know, I can give a great massage," I offer.

He smiles a little. "Thanks, partner. I appreciate it, but it's okay."

"Here, let me carry some," I say, taking a couple of glasses from him.

"...Thank you."

"If you ever need to talk, I'm here."

"Um, actually," he says.


"About last night..."

Oh, shit. What's he gonna say??

"Yeah?" I gulp.

Is he gonna confess? Again? Is he gonna take my hand? Is he gonna take me away? Is he gonna demand me for an honest answer?

"I was thinking about going casual for that restaurant."

"Oh," I exhale heavily.

"That okay?"

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