Welcome To Tokyo

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Yosuke's POV:

Music blares through my earphones as my head bops up and down to the beat.

Teddie's flat out, so I got my cell back from him earlier.

Then again, they're all asleep. Chie, Yukiko, Teddie and Yu. It's kinda like I'm watching over them like a dad. That'd be pretty funny, huh?

My shoulder is a bit numb from his head pressing so hard on it, but I make no attempts to shrug him off.

After a couple of moments, my phone buzzes. I'm quick to silence it, but it's too late.

"Who's that?" Yu lifts up, rubbing his eyes.

"...Um," I sigh. "Giichi."

"What does he want?"

"Dunno," I shrug. "I was supposed to block him yesterday... Hang on; I'll do it now."

"You're blocking his number?" His eyes widen.

"Yeah," I nod. "It's you, partner. I choose you."

"Yosuke..." He mumbles. "I'm... sorry. It's not between me and him. I shouldn't have said that. Talk to him, if you want. It has nothing to do with me."

"No," I decide. "I'm done with him. For real, Yu."

I notice a faint smile appear across his face.

I knew he wanted me to block him regardless, but he just didn't want to admit it.


Giichi: i'm so sorry for
what i said.

Giichi: i know i shouldn't
get involved with personal

Giichi: i just wanted to help.

Giichi: please don't ignore me.

Giichi: i want to see you after
your trip to tokyo.

Giichi: i'll meet you at the
train station on wednesday.

Giichi: i miss you, and i'm

With a sigh, I press the three dots beside his contact and hover over the 'block' button.

"Don't do it," Yu mutters. "I know you don't want to."

"No," I say, pressing the button. "I do. For you."

I force a quick smile.

"Uh, I think Shin wants to talk to you," I shrug, pointing behind him.


"He's been staring at you for the past five minutes."

"Just leave him to it," Yu sighs.

"...You sure?"


"Hey," I say, rubbing his arm. "Did something happen between the two of you?"

He shakes his head. "Let's talk about something else."

"Right... Got it."

He slumps his head back down on my shoulder once more, and exhales deeply.

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