Midnight Call

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Yosuke's POV:

I'm in the center of the shopping district, by the shrine.

No one is around me, until two figures suddenly appear in the distance.

I try to break apart the mist and fog that surrounds me, but I fail miserably.

I walk toward the two people, and notice who they are.

Shin and Yu.

Shit, why am I not suprised?

They clearly haven't seen me.

The fog isn't too dense; I can slightly see their outlines.

Shin grabs Yu's hand, and pushes him against a wall.

Still holding his hand, Yu smiles slyly.

Before Shin can do anything, Yu lifts himself up to lock lips with him.

I can briefly hear their moans after their mouths part.

Shin uses his other hand to scale up Yu's shirt.

He shivers, I can see that.

Shin's hand stops abruptly, rubbing around the area that hurts.

They both gasp for air, and say things to one another.

"Shit," a voice calls from beside me.

I swiftly turn, ready to punch someone. But, I can't. It's my Shadow.

"That should be us," he whispers, with hurt in his voice.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I ask, harshly.

"Why couldn't we just tell him how we feel?" The distorted figure asks me.

"Because we can't," I reply. "Because... because we don't."

"So, we're just going to let Shin take away the one person who made our life bearable?"

"We have to. We don't have a choice."

"You were so close to telling him," the Shadow shakes its head with disappointment. "But you didn't. Because of Shin."

"They look happy," I lie. Though Yu's smiling, I can see the reluctance in his actions.

"He would be happier with us."

"You don't know that."

"He's not afraid to touch us. His hesitation with our brother shows the difference between his feelings."

I sigh. "So, what?"

"Shin is only going to break his heart," my Shadow frowns. "I'd never let anyone hurt him."

"You're a lair," I say through gritted teeth. "You did yourself."

"I didn't mean to."

"Yes, you fucking did!" I scream. "Have you seen him?! He's all battered and bruised because of you!"

"I hate seeing him that way," it admits.

"Fuck off."

"I showed him how it'd be like with us."


"When he touched us, I mean."

"When he touched you," I correct.

"He imagined you."

"You don't know that."

"I do. He didn't care what I did with him. So long as I had your face, he'd want me."

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