Love's Scary

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Yosuke's POV:

"U-uh.." Yu stares at the water in front of us anxiously.

"Want me to go first?" I offer.

"Y-yeah, if you wouldn't mind."

"Geez, you'd think you have a phobia of water or somethin'," I chuckle. "Anyways, don't look, alright?"

"Don't look?" He smirks.

"Dude! Turn away!" I snap.

"Okay, okay," he laughs.

"Okay, I'm in," I tell him, watching him turn around. "Your turn."


"I'm right here."

"...I know. Thank you, Yosuke..."

I smile.

"Oh, uh, want me to look away?" I ask.

"Nah," he shrugs. "You've seen it all before, right?"

"Jesus, Yu." My face flushes from embarrassment.

And then he stands there, butt-naked in front of me.

He covers as much of his arms and stomach as he can as he slips into the water.

"Shit," he hisses.

"That's gotta sting," I wince.


"But, you did it," I grin.

"Hey, you weren't looking, right?"

"What?" I ask "Looking at what?"

"My dick."

"YU!" I yell. "Ew, dude, no!"

"Oh my god," he laughs. "I was only kidding. I mean, unless you were."

"I was not!" I scoff, looking away.

"Hey, I get it -- teenage boys get curious."

"Shut up!!" I beg. "I- I mean, if you were watchin' me, you'd have done the same!!"

"...So you admit to it?"

"No!" I shake my head violently. "Can you please just drop it?!"

"Sure," he chuckles. "But, damn, that's brave."

"I didn't fucking look!" I shout.

"Keep your voice down," he smirks. "There are people sleeping."

"Y-you started it." I fold my arms in protest.

"Yes, and I'm sorry," he grins. "Come on, let me stand with you."

"Hey, back away," I say. "I'm mad at you right now."

"Yosuke," he chuckles.

"I'm serious, man," I frown.

But it doesn't stop him from moving forward and paralyzing me.

I can practically feel his skin touching mine. His breath on my skin, his knee knocking mine... And I genuinely think he's going to kiss me.

To finish what happened before.

But he bends down and wraps his arms beneath mine instead, clutching my back.

I let out the breath I was holding.

The water warms both of our skins, and it feels so nice when they collide.

Feeling his skin is like heaven. Like I don't want to let go.

Admittedly, the hug is a bit unexpected. Maybe he missed my touch, too.

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