In The City

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Yu's POV:

"No way!!" Teddie gasps, running ahead of us all. "There's hot springs?!"

"Nuh-uh," Chie frowns. "Not after the fiasco last time."

"Last time?!" Kanji scoffs. "That was your fault! It was the guys' turn, you idiot!"

"L-Let's not play the blame game," Yukiko says.

"Think I'll pass on the springs," I shrug.

"Hm? Why's that?" Naoto asks.

"Dunno. Just... don't feel like it, I guess."

"Maybe you'll feel like it another day?" Rise suggests.

"Mhm. Maybe."

"Well, screw that!" Teddie rubs his hands together. "I'm going in tonight! ...If any lovely ladies would like to join me."

"Shut it, bear," Yukiko frowns.

"You're perfect just the way you are," Yosuke's voice whispers into my ear.

I have to catch my breath as he pulls away.

He knows exactly what I'm thinking, without even having to tell him. And, god, am I grateful for that.

Just having him know makes me feel so much better. Having him on my side, even.

"Uh, you guys know the rooms yet?" Shin asks.

"No one's been told," Naoto shrugs.

"Why in such a hurry to get to your room?" Yosuke says.

"I'm not," he snaps.

"Geez, man. It was just a question."

"Alright, gather around, everyone," a teacher groans. "The girls' rooms are to the left, and the guys' to the right, got it? We're gonna put the list on the bulletin board so you can see who you're roomed with. And, please, don't tear the thing up."

We all hurry around the paper; Shin pushing in front. "Ah, shit," he groans.

"...What's up?" I ask.

"Nothin'. Just roomed with a bunch of guys I don't know."

"Oh, that sucks," I mutter.

"At least you're with Yosuke," he grunts.

"Wait, I am?" I push ahead of him and scan the list for my name. And, sure enough, there it is: Yu Narukami, Yosuke Hanamura, Kanji Tatusmi, Okada Shiro -- Room 276.

"Aww, lucky," Chie nudges me. "Especially since that Shiro-kun is never in school. Hell, you'll probably have an extra space..."

An extra space... Right..

"Hey, Shin?" I say. "Wanna room with us?"

"Hm?" He looks at me, suprised. "No, it's okay... I think it'd be better if I got to know some other people."

"Oh... I see."

He heads off upstairs to unpack, and I'm left feeling stupid.

I only asked him because I felt sorry for him. Then again, I guess it would be more complicated if we were sharing a room, huh?

"Ooh, can I stay with you guys, Sensei?" Teddie begs.

"No way," Yosuke groans. "This is my one chance to sleep away from you. I ain't givin' it up."

"Aw, but he's just a little guy," Kanji tries to reason.

"No buts!" Yosuke shakes his head. "You'll be fine, Ted."

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