All He Has

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Yu's POV:

Rise holds both mine and Yosuke's hand as we walk onto the ice.

"H-hey, wait!" I beg, holding on to the side with my free arm.

"Don't be a wuss," she giggles. "C'mon, Yu!"

"N-nah. You guys go ahead."

"No way I'm leaving you," Yosuke smiles.

"I-I'll just embarrass myself."

"Yeah? And how many times have I embarrassed myself in front of you?" He smirks.

"Th-that's different."

"How different?"

"It's cute when you embarrass yourself."

"Oh, but it isn't cute when you do?"


"Oh, Senpai, you are cute! Don't you agree, Yosuke?"

"Wh-what?!" He stammers. "I- I mean... yeah.. but-- no!"

"Well, that sure hurts my ego," I joke.

"Stop it, dammit!" He frowns.

"I'll just watch for a while," I say.

"Hey." Yosuke parts with Rise, and skates toward me, holding out his hand. "Hold my hand, 'kay? I won't let you fall."

"You promise?"

"You said you trusted me."

"I'd trust you with my life."

"Geez, don't be so dramatic," he chuckles. "You're not gonna die."

"You don't know that."

"Just take my hand, okay?! I feel like a fool leaving it out for you."

I laugh at his embarrassment as I fit my palm in his. He gulps, taking my other hand.

"See?" He says. "It's not so bad. Let's try moving around, okay?"

"N-no, that isn't necessary."

"Ugh," Rise rolls her eyes, skating behind me, and pushing me into Yosuke.

"Shit!" I yell, but he catches me, just like he promised. I look up at him, my eyes shaking. But his smile only widens. "You think that's funny?" I grunt.

"Yeah," he smirks.

"Help me up," I frown.

He does as I say.

"It's easy, see?" He releases his hand from mine and begins to glide away from me.

"C-come back!" I beg.

"Miss me already?"

"Sh-shut it."

"You guys are so slow," Rise yawns. "Let me know if you're up for a competition later. See ya!!" She skates away elegantly with her hands behind her back.

"Show off," I scoff.

"Don't worry; you'll be as good as that someday," Yosuke assures me.

"You better not leave me."

"I would never."

I take his hand and he leads me over to everyone else.

"You're going too fast!" I snap.

"You finally made it!" Yukiko smiles.

"It wasn't easy with this one tugging at me," Yosuke chuckles.

"I coulda died."

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