The Other Guy

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Fair warning, this chapter contains a homophobic slur, so if you are uncomfortable with that, please skip ahead:)

Yu's POV:

He still hasn't replied to my messages. What the hell is he doing with that other guy? He should be here. With me.

"Yo." Shin puts his hand on my thigh. "Food's here."

I quickly put my phone away as we eat.

But I can't stop thinking of him. And that guy's smug ass face. Bastard. What made Yosuke even agree to go out with someone like him?

"You okay, Narukami?" Daisuke asks from across the table. "You look a bit pissed."

"I'm fine," I lie through gritted teeth.

"Hey," Shin coos, putting his hand between my thighs. This time, I feel a comfort in it, and it calms my nerves.

I send Shin a quick glance of my gratitude before continuing my meal.

"So, when's the next big game, boss?" One of the guys asks.

"Next game?" Kou's eyes widen. "I- I dunno... And you don't gotta call me boss, heh..."

"Why not?" Daisuke smiles. "You are the big bad boss around here, right?"

"D-dude!!" Kou groans.

Suddenly, the front door opens, allowing a gust of air to enter the building.

"God, that's cold," I remark, so Shin puts his warm hand atop of mine.

"Oh, funny seeing you guys here!" The guy says, leaning over our table. He's quite tall for someone of our age, but I don't let that frighten me. I mean, I'm not scared of Shin... right?

"Hey, didn't we beat this guy today?" Our teammate says.

Oh, that's right. That's why he looks so familiar... He was on the court today. One of the aggressive ones, I'll admit.

"What do you want?" Daisuke asks.

"Yeah," Kou butts in. "We won. Don't be salty over it."

"I'm not salty," he raises his voice.

"He's definitely salty," Shin whispers to me, making me laugh aloud.

"Hey!" He snaps. "Narukami. Get here, now."

"Hey, fuck off, kid," Shin interjects. "We don't have time for this bullshit."

"I wasn't talking to you, asshole."

"Yeah, well, I was talking to you."

"Fuck off! This is between me and Narukami."

"If you have anything to say to my boyfriend, you can say it to me, too."

I feel my teammates' eyes burn my skin. I feel tense, too. My stomach turns.

"Oh, great. You got a protective boyfriend," he scoffs. "Hope you're happy together. Fags."

"The fuck did you just say?" Shin quickly gets out of his seat, and sizes up to the guy.

"You heard me," he sneers.

But before he can say it again, Shin strikes him across his face, making him fall to the ground.

"Wh- what the fuck!?" The guy yells, holding his jaw.

"If I ever see you again, it'll be a lot worse than a broken jaw," Shin growls.

"Hey, hey, hey!!" The Aiya owner steps out. "No violence!! You are driving my customers away!!"

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