You're My Home

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Yosuke's POV:

"They're calling for you," I say to Shin before sitting down at the other side of Yu.

"They are?" He scrunches his face up.

"Yeah. They wanna see how tough your beach ball game is."

"As if," he scoffs.

"You're not going?" Yu asks.

"It's lame."

"Aww, c'mon, Shin," he urges. "Go show 'em how it's done."

"Okay, okay, fine," he chuckles, standing up. "Thank you for hearing me out."


"Alright, I'm going... But you better be rootin' for me!" He calls as he gets smaller and smaller in the distance.

"Who else would I root for?" Yu smirks.

"Thanks," I sigh.

"Okay, I got rid of him... Now, what's up?"

"You could tell, hm?"

"I know you, Yosuke. Come on, just spill it."

"I don't know where to begin," I laugh, nervously.

All of a sudden, my phone in the bag behind us lights up with a ping.

The two of us turn to check it out.

"Yosuke..." He frowns, holding up my phone.

"Yu, I swear, it isn't what it looks like..."

"I can't wait to see you again. I have missed you so much, Yosuke," he reads. "What the fuck is this?"

"Jesus," I sigh, clutching the bridge of my nose between my fingers.

"It's Miura, isn't it?" He scoffs. "You told me you blocked him. Why did you lie?!"

"I didn't lie!" I yell. "I- I swear, I blocked his number! This... I- I mean, I don't even have this contact saved, and—"

"Great," Yu groans. "Now he's stalking you in someone else's name."

"That's not it..."

"When are you going to see him?" He mutters.

"...He's meeting me off the train tomorrow."

"Wow," he scoffs.

"I'm gonna tell him to leave me alone, and that's it."

"The guy's got something wrong with him, Yosuke," he snaps. "He's borderline obsessed with you."

"N-not obsessed," I shake my head.

"Can't you tell him to go away?"

"I've tried letting him down easily," I sigh.

"Sorry. It isn't your fault."

"I don't like him, Yu," I shrug.

"Yeah," he laughs. "I know."

"You have nothing to worry about."

"I know. I trust you."

"Ha, thanks," I smile. "Uh, Yu?"

"Yeah? What's up?"

"I, uh... Just wanna know what Shin said, is all."

"Oh," he says. "Uh, I think it's best if you hear it from him."

"Dude, I asked you," I frown.

"It's not my story to tell."

"You can tell me anything."

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