I Am You, And You Are Me

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Yosuke's POV:

"Shh..." He coos, tangling his fingers between my hair."The bad guys have gone. Don't worry, Yosuke."

I find it hard to breathe because of how close he is to me.

"Who's gone?" I manage to choke out.

"All the bad guys," he chuckles, rubbing his thumb against the side of my face. "No one is gonna hurt you now."

"Giichi, please..." I murmur.

"It's alright," he smiles. "It's okay. You don't have to be afraid anymore."

"Get the fuck off me," I grumble, wriggling free from his grasp.

"We're home, Yosuke." He shrugs, standing up now, too.

We were laying on his bed. On... our bed. Back in that... place we were staying at.

"Why do you need to leave?" He asks.

"Giichi, what happened?" I say. "Where are the others?"

"Sacrifices were made, Yosuke," he says softly, reaching for my hand.

"Don't touch me."

"Why are you still so caught up in them?" He shakes his head. "I can be whoever you want me to be."

"Just stop, alright!?" I snap. "Giichi, this isn't..."

"Isn't what, Yosuke?"

"What Hayate would have wanted."

"He wanted you."


"I'm only fulfilling his wish of being with you."

"He's dead, Giichi," I frown. "He doesn't want you anywhere near me."

But in the next moment, he's standing in front of me. Hayate is standing in front of me.

"...Stop," I plead.

"It's okay," he smiles, caressing my cheek.

"Giichi, stop," I beg, feeling a shiver run down my spine.

"I love you."

Hayate loves me. ...Giichi loves me.

I bite my lip.

"How dare you wear his face," I spit.

"I could... always be him, you know."

"What?" I splutter.

"You want a life with Hayate? Then that's exactly what I'll give you."

He reaches over to embrace me tightly, and I unwillingly let out a soft sob.

He even smells like Hayate.

"Don't worry about a thing," he soothes.

"I'll never forgive you," I mumble.

"You'll never forgive Shin," he corrects. "For what he did to me."

"You're not him," I snap, pulling free.

"I am, Yosuke."

"You're... disgusting."

He quickly regains his original form. "Disgusting?"

I hold my breath.

And now he's Yu. Holding out a hand for me.

"I'm disgusting, am I, Yosuke?"

I shake my head. "Stop..."

"I can make everything perfect."

"I don't want that," I say. "I want everything the way it really is, Giichi... That's all I want."

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