The Game

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Yu's POV:

"Of course I came," he shrugs. "I would never let you down."

He reaches for my arm, rubbing the moisturizer on it. His eyebrows begin to furrow as he feels the scars beneath.

"Shin, you're--"

"A lifesaver!" Kou exclaims. "I sure as hell hope you know how to play."

"I'll give it all I have," Shin smirks. He looks at me with light in his eyes. Like he's giving all he has to me.

"Alright, it's almost go-time." Kou huddles the five of us together."

"Don't fuck this up," a guy says.

"A-alright," the other, more timid, boy quivers.

"Give it the best you got!" Kou says enthusiasticly.

"Of course," I nod.

"Of course," Shin mirrors me, and I can feel his eyes on my skin.

"Let's do this!" Kou smiles, breaking our huddle, and getting everyone in position.


Yosuke's POV:

Ehhh... I have no idea how to play basketball.

Honestly, I thought you just dribbled and threw a ball till you get close enough to the hoop for a slam dunk.

So, either Yu is trying to show off, or I got the rules all wrong.

Shin's eyes don't leave him. No matter what. When Yu has the ball, he calls his name. When Yu doesn't, he doesn't leave his side.

"Hey, aren't they good??" Chie yells into my ear. The sound of the crowd is deafening.

"Look!!" Rise squeals. "Senpai has the ball!!!"

"Go, Senpai!!!" Kanji yells.

"You got this!!" Naoto joins in.

"Um, maybe we shouldn't distract him..." Yukiko mutters.

"SENSEIIIIIII!!!" Teddie screams. "YOU'RE DOING SO WELL!!!!"

"God, Ted, he's tryna focus," I sigh.

"LOOK!!!" Chie points.

Yu has the ball, and he dribbles it between his legs, fooling the opposing team. He smirks, before jumping up and putting the ball into the hoop.

There are plenty of cheers from our school, and plenty of groans from the other.

"He's so hot!!" A girl behind us giggles. I turn, facing them.

"He's in a relationship," I say.

"Oh, really?" She frowns. "Damn.. I missed my chance..."

I don't know why I said that. He's not in a relationship. Or, at least that I know of. I just didn't want people like... her to get in his way. To, uh, bother him.

The game goes on, and I still don't get the whole thing. But I keep watching him. Because I know how much it means to him. And I know how much he means to me.

He's really good at this thing. I mean, keeping the ball under control and shit. I used to try, but it always just found its own way. It's kinda admirable just watching him. He's so determined, it's adorable.

He passes the ball to Kou, though Kou misses the net. A ton of sighs, and frustrated language comes from our side, but Yu quickly pats him on the back, with a great smile.

He's always been like that. A good sport. He wouldn't yell at people, instead he'd help them get better. That's what makes me so happy to know him; I can be myself around him, and he doesn't judge.

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