After You

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Yu's POV:

The final school bell rings, and I find Kou and Daisuke outside of my classroom.

"Hey, Yu," Kou smiles. "How're you feeling?"

"Better. I guess."

"Yo, what happened?" Daisuke asks.

I shake my head. "It's fine, now."

"Are you sure you're gonna be okay for the competition tomorrow?" Kou says. "Don't strain yourself, okay?"

"I'm not straining myself," I sigh. "I promised Coach I'd take part."

"It's not too late to back out," Daisuke suggests.

"What, doubting me?" I joke.

"I don't know. Am I?" He grins, patting me on the back.

"Enough, you guys," Kou splits us up. "But, seriously, Yu. I'll tell Coach that something came up. He won't mind."

"Kou, I'm not as fragile as you think," I smirk.

"He's right," Yosuke appears, placing a hand on my shoulder. I turn around, grinning at him. "H-hey that's not what I meant!" He yells, flustered.

"What's not what you meant?" Kou asks, baffled.

"N-nothing!" Yosuke panics. I chuckle at his pink cheeks, and reach down for his hand.

"Oh, I see," Daisuke smiles.

"Y-you see what?" Yosuke stammers.

"Are you two...?" He gestures to us.

"Both coming to the basketball competition?!" Kou's eyes light up.

"Kou, that's not what I--"

"B-basketball?" Yosuke says. "N-no way. I'm more of the supportive..." He looks to me. "Best friend type," he continues. "Than an actual player."

Best friend, huh?

"You sure?" Kou asks. "There's always seats on the bench if you wanna come along."

"Nah, it's cool," he shakes his head.

"He's right, you know," I say. "Join up. It'll be fun."

"U-um, o-okay, then," he smiles a little. He and I exchange looks, and he quickly looks away, all flustered.

"Alrighty, then," Kou says, enthusiasticly. "Let's go sign you up!"


Yosuke's POV:

Yu, Kou, Daisuke and I all arrive at the bullin board on the first floor.

"Here," Kou hands me a pen from his pocket. I take it, and reach for the sign up sheet.

"Oh," I frown.

"What's the matter?" Yu asks.

"It's full."

"What?" Daisuke scoffs. "That can't be. It had at least one free spot just before..."

I look at the latest name on the board.

Hanamura, Shin. Class 3-2.

I feel my nostrils flare in anger. Is he serious?!

"Hey, isn't that your brother?" Kou asks.
I nod, reluctantly. "Ah. That sucks. Sorry, man. Maybe next time." He pats me on the shoulder gently, as he and Daisuke walk away.

"Hey, calm down," Yu squeezes my hand. "It's not a big deal."

"Did you know about this?"

"What? Of course I didn't."

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