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Yu's POV:

"You got this, yeah?" Yosuke asks, letting go of my hand as we see the group.

"Totally," I nod.

"And, if you get hot, take your shirt off. No objections."

"Yeah, yeah," I frown.

The white, long sleeved shirt is a bit big -- it's just above my knees — completely covering my swimming shorts beneath.

Maybe I look a little strange. But, whatever...

I mean, it's nobody else's business, right?

I swallow hard.

It's almost sunset. And, god, I already know it's gonna be a pretty one.

"Try not to stare at me too much," he smirks.

"Oh, har, har," I scoff.

"Hey, you guys!" Rise waves us over. "Now that we're all here, let's go in the sea!"

"Shin's not here," I point out.

"And?" Chie shrugs. "C'mon, let's go!"

Chie, Teddie, Rise and Kanji run toward the sea, but the others stay.

"I'm suprised you still want to see him," Naoto sighs. "You made quite the scene back there."

"Just-- please, let me know if you see him," I mutter.

"Definitely," Yukiko nods. "In the meantime, care for a swim?"

"You go, Yosuke," I smile.


"No objections," I grin.

"I knew that this was gonna bite me in the ass," he curses himself.

I watch as they leave, and he glances back to me, to which I reply with a smile.

I sit myself on the sand, pulling my knees up to my face.

"This seat taken?" A voice asks.


He sits beside me, running his fingers along the grains beneath him.

"I'm... glad you found me," I murmur.

"Yu... I..." He whispers. "...Yosuke told you, didn't he?"


He sighs.

"Why didn't you?" I ask.

He shrugs.

"You say no more lies, but suddenly ten more appear."

"I knew you'd hate me."


"I fucking hate myself for what I did," he shakes his head. "I can't stop thinking about the look on Yosuke's face when he saw the body. It haunts me day and night."

"What you did didn't just affect you," I grunt. "You traumatized him, for fuck's sake."

"Stop lecturing me," he sighs. "Next, you're gonna ask me why I didn't turn myself in."

"...Why didn't you?"

"I was scared," he groans. "And I couldn't have gone to jail. Yosuke couldn't have lived with that."

"That's just a sorry excuse," I scoff. "All Yosuke wanted was justice for Hayate."

"I was fucking terrified, Yu," he frowns.

"You were a coward. You should have just faced the consequences."

"You don't listen," he snaps. "Hayate was my best friend, for fuck's sake. How could I comprehend the fact that my stupid mistake was the death of him? Do you even realize how many nights I lay awake, simply thinking about him? About how he'd yell at me, and say I'm stupid for getting Yosuke involved. Christ, Yu, what would you do if you got Yosuke into deep shit, hm?"

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