Love Me

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Yosuke's POV:

The sound of my alarm blares in my ears until I find the strength to reach over and turn it off.

But then I remember... Today is the day. I'm gonna see him today. And he's gonna see me, too.

I'll confess everything; until the very end. And... I can hope he stops lying to himself, finally.

It was hard for me to accept my feelings for him, too, and that's why I want to show him that it's okay. That he won't regret a thing by admitting how he feels.

"C'mon, Ted." I sit over the side of my bed, and kick him a little in the back.

"Ughhh," he groans. "Go awayyyy."

"Don't you wanna see Yu?" I smirk.

"Huh?!" He sits up suddenly, looking around.

"He's not here, dumbass," I roll my eyes.

"Oh! That's right!" He chuckles. "Sensei's gonna be here!!!"

"Yeah," I nod. "But we'll see him when we get there."

"What?? Why?" He pouts. "Sensei's not coming on the train with us? He coulda sat next to me!!"

"Shin is driving them both down this morning," I shrug. "Sorry, Ted."

"Ugghhh, that bastard!"

"Keep your voice down," I chuckle. "C'mon, let's go get some breakfast."

"Roger that!!"


Yu's POV:

I don't think I've ever been sleepier than I am right now.

The damn alarm won't stop buzzing, and it's all the way at the other side of the room.


I tumble out of my futon, and plod over to the stupid freaking device, punching it until it stops.

"Big bro?" A knock comes from the door.

I open it, and see Nanako's innocent little face standing there, holding a plate of pancakes.

"Nanako?" I rub my eyes. "What are you doing up so early?"

"Uhm... I heard you come in this morning," she smiles.

"Oh... Damn, I'm so sorry if I woke you..."

"No, it's okay," she giggles. "But then I had a great idea to set my alarm and make you some breakfast before you go!"

"Oh, Nanako," I say. "Thank you so much." I take the plate from her hands with a weary smile. "Come sit with me."

She does as I say, and we both sit on the edge of my futon as we eat her delicious pancakes.

"Mhm, I really appreciate this," I nod. "But you should have just slept in."

"I wanted to say goodbye," she shrugs. "Maybe I can wake Dad and we can  drive you to the station!"

"Oh, no," I smile. "He's really busy. I don't wanna disturb him..."

"But... he has a day off today," she says. "That means he can sleep later on."

"He's a hardworking man," I say. "Tell him I said goodbye."


Yosuke's POV:

To my suprise, I find Shin sitting at the table, with his head an inch away being dunked into some cereal.

"Hey." I shake him awake. "What're you doing here?"

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