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Yu's POV:

It's the middle of English Lit when Shin has a coughing fit.

I look over to him, and, surprisingly, he's already staring at me. He points beneath the desk with his spare hand. What the heck is he pointing at?

I look on the ground all around, confused. His coughing gets louder. I look back to him and see his hand beneath the desk, holding his bag.

I reach beneath my desk, and grab my bag, too. I mirror him as he grabs his cell.

"Mr. Hanamura," our sensei frowns. "Please, if you have a sore throat, get a drink."

"Sorry, Ma'am," Shin stands up, and quickly bows. All the while hiding his phone behind his back.

What a sneak...

Once the teacher turns away, I power up my cell.

Then I notice a notification from Dojima.


Dojima: Hey big bro!!!!

Dojima: It's mee!!!

Dojima: Nanakoooo!!

Dojima: Sorry we haven't
been keeping in contact
with u!!

Dojima: Dad says we don't
have much service!!!

Dojima: But we have some

Dojima: Dad wanted me
2 tell u that we're coming
home tomorow!!! 😁😁😁

Dojima: But he doesn't no
what time!!

Dojima: So he said 2 not
stay up 2 lat!!

Dojima: I hav mised u!!❤❤❤

Dojima: We hav presents!!

Dojima: Dad says u r in
scool riht now!!

Dojima: I hop u r not
on u r fone in class!!!

Dojima: I lov u big bro!!!

Dojima: Bye bye!!!

She is so adorable... And I was kinda worried that they didn't text me since they've been gone... But I hope they've enjoyed themselves... Well, more than I have, here...

Yu: Hey, Nanako!

Yu: Just got your message:).

Yu: I hope you and your
dad are having a good time!

Yu: You'll have to show me
pictures when you come home!

Yu: Enjoy your last night!

Yu: Love you, too, little sis!

But I get a little sidetracked. I can't help it! She's such a cute girl. Even her little spelling mistakes make me chuckle.

I really do hope Dojima is getting the break he deserves. Ha... Even away from me.

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