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Yosuke's POV:

"Okay," Giichi smiles "I'll meet with her."

"Dude!" I grin. "For real?! That's amazing!! Right, Yu?" I turn to face him, but he just stares right at Giichi. "H-hey, dude?" I shake his shoulder gently.

"Yeah. It's... Great," he mumbles.

The corner of Giichi's lip rises.

"Giichi... It's really, honestly amazing... Thank you."

"It's... really no big deal," he shrugs with a small smile.

"You literally just saved our asses." I jump up from the seat to embrace him, clearly taking him by suprise.

Maybe he isn't my favorite person, but he has just saved Yu and Shin from Hana's Shadow, and that's a win for us.

"Call me tonight, okay?" He waves, ready to leave.

"...For what?"

"Y'know. Just so I can hear your voice."

"Uh, d-dude, I-"

"Goodbye." He turns before I can finish, and is out of sight.

"Hey, that went better than I expected," I smile. "I mean, I thought you completely blew our chances when you punched him, and all."

When not given a reply, I turn to face him. "Everything okay?"

He nods slowly. "Sorry. Just tired."

"I didn't keep you up all night, did I...? I know I kick sometimes... and wiggle around too much and—"

"No," he shakes his head, forcing a smile. "I'll walk you home."

"Oh, really?" I frown, feeling a bit hurt he wants rid of me already. "I thought we could have had lunch together or-"

"Your mom's probably worried," he shrugs.

"Y-yeah. Okay..." I frown, feeling the embarrassment swallow me whole.

"Plus, I, uh... Want some time alone."

"I see."

"Let's, uh, let's go."


"Hey, dude?" I ask, as we walk down the empty street. "What did you even say to him?" I grin. "I mean, Giichi hates your guts... What the hell kinda magic did you use on him!?" I chuckle softly.

I turn to him when he doesn't reply, for the second time. "Yu?"

"Oh." He swallows, rubbing his eye with the side of his finger. "I didn't say much, really."

"Well, I knew you had a way with words, but... geez! That's what I'm talkin' about. You always find a way to get us outta messes, you know?"

He nods.

"So, what did he want in return?" I say.

"Nothing," he murmurs.

"D-dude," I mumble, feeling the sting of his bluntness. "Did... he upset you, or somethin'? Did... I upset you?"

He shakes his head vigorously. "Just have a lot on my mind."

"...You sure you don't wanna go somewhere to hang out?" I frown. "We can talk, or we can grab something to eat, or-"

"Please, Yosuke," he grunts. "Just... Leave me."

"...Yeah. Okay," I sigh.


Yu's POV:

I feel awful for how I treated him, but what can I say? I'm hurt he turned to Miura, of course I am. And he should know that.

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