No More

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Yosuke's POV:

Once Shin is out of sight, I make my way up the stairs.

I feel weird. Out of place, even. That he 'wants' Shin there.

I don't believe he said that. Why would he, after all?

And yet, he doesn't want me. He's barely spoken to me since we arrived here.

What is up with him?

I'll figure it out, I swear. I'll help him in every way I can. Because I love him.

I hear the shower turning on, so my pace quickens. I see him enter the bathroom, and put my hand on the door to stop him from closing it. "Wait," I say.

"Yosuke?" He says, confused. "What're you--?"

I don't let him finish. I invite myself into the bathroom, and close the door behind me.

"H-hey, what's happening?" He asks, nervously.

"I need to talk to you," I gulp.

"Now?" He groans. "Isn't it clear I'm busy? You're lucky you caught me while I was still dressed."

"Sh-shut up," I blush slightly, shaking it away.

"Can you hurry this up, please?" He says. "Shin's waiting in my room."

"Did you ask him to?"

"What?" He scoffs. "What kind of question is that?"

"Well, you know how he just sorta... does stuff..."

"That's not it," he says, firmly. "I wanted him to, okay? End of story."

I sigh. "I'm sorry. I don't mean to be rude..."

He shrugs.

"Um.." I begin, but I can't bring myself to continue.

He looks me up and down, waiting for my question. But I feel impulse taking over my body.

I move closer to him, so that I'm directly in front of him. I sigh, grabbing his tank top, and bringing his lips down to meet mine. And we stay like that. But only for a split second.

"What are you doing?!" He asks, pulling away quickly.

"H-huh?" I frown. "I- I thought--"

"Yosuke, we're not a couple, okay? You can't just... kiss me as you please."

"Sh-shit, I'm so sorry... I- I don't know what I was thinking..." I look away, embarrassed.

"Just... leave, okay?" He shakes his head.

"I just thought that I could do that," I stammer. "Th-the way you do."

"They'll be no more of that," he confirms, and I stand there, stunned.

No more of that? What does he mean? He's not interested in me anymore? He doesn't want me?

"Now, please," he sighs. "Go."


"What the hell were you doing in there?" Shin asks, making me jump. We stand in the middle of the hallway, eye to eye. "Fuck. What did you do?!"

"I- I didn't do anything!"

"I swear, if you tried anything funny with him--"

"Shin, stop!" I frown. "I- I didn't, okay? I just had to talk to him."

"What about?"

Well, I guess we didn't really 'talk', did we?

"That's none of your business."

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