Coffee Talk

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Yu's POV:

Yosuke and I are the first to enter Café Leblanc.

Admittedly, it's not a huge space, and the neighbourhood isn't, either. Not many people are present, but the owner seems nice enough.

His eyes snap to the door as the bell above us rings at our entrance.

"Ah, are those new faces I see?" He smiles, putting down his newspaper.

"Yup," Rise smiles. "We're not actually from Tokyo, we're just here on a school trip."

"A school trip, eh?" He looks impressed. "It's a shame you came to Yongen for a coffee."

"Why is that?" Naoto asks.

"Oh, it's nothin' special, here," the owner shrugs. "Plus there's a lot of thugs around these parts."

"Maybe that's something you shouldn't mention to your customers," Shin says, awkwardly.

"You seem like nice kids," he says. "Just makin' sure you keep yourselves safe, now."

"Do you have any children, sir?" Rise asks.

"Geez," Yosuke groans. "We didn't come here to make small talk with--"

"As a matter of fact, I do," he smiles, seeming somewhat pleased with himself. "I have a daughter named Futaba."

"Hey, is it okay if my friends come here for a while?" A young voice calls from the stairs.

"Who's that?" Chie asks. "And... why was he in your attic?"

"Oh, him," the owner mutters. "Well, he's not such a bad kid, right, Ren?"

The boy named Ren smiles, nodding at him.

"You actually have customers," he smirks.

"Yeah, so don't go chasing them away," the owner chuckles playfully.

"Ann said she bought you a birthday present."

"Ah, sweet girl," the owner smiles. "Don't let us get in your way," he turns to us for a moment. "Please, take a seat. Kid, you're helping out, too."

"You got it, Boss."

"It's your birthday?" I ask.

"Yeah," he shrugs, collecting several coffee mugs. "I'm not one to celebrate, though."

"Oh," I say. "Well, happy birthday, anyway."

He smiles slightly. "Thank you."


Our group sits down at the table as Ren and the boss brings over our drinks.

"Funny," Ren smirks. "You never usually do table service."

"They seem like sweet kids," he shrugs. "Kinda remind me of you and your friends."

"So," Ren clasps his hands together. "You guys are on a school trip, am I right? Sorry, just happened to overhear."

"Yeah," Shin nods. "We are. It's our last day, though, and we were lookin' to pass the time."

"I see."

"You serve curry, don't you?" Yosuke turns to the owner.

"Yup," he says. "Homemade."

"Mind if we get some?"

"Not at all."

"Nooo," Teddie whines. "Curry sucks."

"Don't be so rude," Naoto mumbles.

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