Something More

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Yu's POV:

"I won't let him hurt you," Yosuke whispers into my ear.

But I can't see him.

"Yosuke?" I manage to get out.

"I will protect you."

"Come out," I say.

He does so.

But... the voice didn't belong to Yosuke after all.

"Yu," Shin sighs with relief, throwing himself into my arms as my body tenses. "I thought I lost you forever." He squeezes me tighter.

"Please," I say. "Let go."

Slowly, he removes himself from me, and I can see tears in his eyes.

"I never meant to hurt you," his lip quivers. "I would never intend to hurt you."

"But you did."

"I'm fucked up," he weeps.

I know I should keep my guard up. I know I should tell him that this is what he deserves... But I can't.

He's crying.

He's crying in front of me, waiting for me to tell him it's okay.

But it can never be okay.

He's dangerous.

A danger to himself, and those around him.

But I can't let that define who he is.

I let him embrace me, crying into my shoulder. "I need help," he sobs.

"We're gonna get you some, okay?" I tell him. "I swear."

"Yu?" He sniffles.


"Do you care about me?"

How do I answer that?

Yes, I do? Do I?

Of course I do; he's a friend. At least, I think he's a friend.

I nod, regardless.

"You mean that?" He asks.


He releases a small chuckle. "You're soft."

I feel a sharp sting slide into my back, and I yelp in pain.

Shin giggles, holding me still.

I can feel masses of blood leaving my body as the knife is brought out of my skin.

Shin inspects it in front of me, laughing. "I really wish I could say I'm sorry," he shrugs. "But I can't lie to you."

He disappears without a trace, leaving me alone.

I tumble to the floor, aching with every breath that may be my last.


"Yu," Yosuke wakes me.

"What?" I gasp.

"Hey, slow down," he says, as I rapidly sit upright.

"S-sorry," I splutter.

"You were shaking," he tells me.

"W- was I?"

"Were you dreaming?"

I nod.

"...What... What happened?"

"Where's Shin?" I ask, simply to avoid the question.

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