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Yosuke's POV:

After greeting everyone, Yu sits beside me with a smile.

I look over to Shin and see how he frowns. Like he's just been punched in the gut.

He has to understand that Yu has friends, right? He can't come in the way of that. In the way of me.

"Ooh, where are we going first?" Chie smirks, laying a map of Tokyo on the table in front of us.

Chie and Yukiko still sit opposite us, but Kanji, Naoto and Rise have moved to the seats behind. Though they get up now to check out what Chie is saying.

"We're headin' to the hotel first, right?" Kanji points to our accommodation.

"I looked it up online," Yu says. "It looks pretty nice."

"Oh, right!" Rise snaps her fingers. "Do you guys know which rooms you're in yet?"

"Nah," Kanji shakes his head. "Why, do you?"

"Yup. I'm with this really nice girl from my class and two third-years."

"Sheesh, unlucky," Chie tuts. "Third-years are cruel."

"No," she laughs. "One of them is my friend's cousin, and another is her friend."

"So many relations," I yawn.

"Anyways, it's gonna be super fun," she smiles. "We're gonna do each other's hair and nails every night, and we'll stay up all night talking about boys, and--"

"You are aware that we have a curfew, yes?" Naoto butts in.

"Risette doesn't need a curfew," she frowns.

"Don't you know what room you're in, Yosuke?" Teddie asks.

"U-uh, no," I lie.

"But you said--"

"Shut it, bear!!"

I want to keep it a secret so I can see the suprise on his face. He'll laugh at how ironic it is, and I'll tell him I did it for us. And he'll laugh with me, calling me a dork. But he's the real dork.

"Hey, is Shin-san alright?" Yukiko asks, jerking her head in the direction of my brother. "He looks a little down, don't you think?"

"What are we supposed to do about that?" Yu shrugs.

"Uh, invite him over here?" Naoto says, like it's obvious.

"We've already tried," I remind them. "He didn't want to, remember?"

"Maybe things will be different, now," Naoto suggests. "Now that Yu is here."

"Me?" He asks, somewhat suprised.

"Well, you are dating, right?" Chie scoffs.

"...Right," he sighs.

But... why does he sound so unsure?

"You don't have to go talk to him, you know," I say.

"I know."

"Ooh, can I?!" Teddie asks enthusiasticly. Before we can even respond, he climbs over me and Yu and marches across to Shin's seat.

We can't hear him over the murmurs of our peers, but it doesn't take him long until he comes back to us.

"What did he say?" Rise asks.

"Umm... He said he'll THINK about it!" He smiles.

"No way in hell'd he say that," Kanji frowns.

"He didn't seem very happy to see you, Teddie," Yu admits.

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