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Yosuke's POV:

"My parents aren't home." Giichi shrugs as I follow him around his house. Damn... It's pretty nice... He's definitely the rich kid type. "Make yourself comfortable." He gives me a quick smile.

"How are you?" I ask. "Y'know... How's school, and stuff?"

"You didn't come to ask about 'school and stuff' now, did you?" He smirks, unconvinced. He picks up an empty glass from the table and brings it to the kitchen. I follow.

"Guess not," I shrug. "But, still. All we ever talk about is me. I feel bad."

"Don't," he chuckles, putting the glass in the sink. "I enjoy hearing about your life."

"You're just saying that." I lean against a counter in his kitchen. It's more long, than wide; it's filled with silver cutlery, and the walls are tiled in a smooth white -- almost like they never get dirty.

"Tell me what you've been up to." He turns to face me.


"What's the deal with this bar you've been to?" He smirks. "Suprised you're not wasted."

"Alcohol isn't really my thing."

"Why are you so interested in Chisuke, anyhow?"


"The 'basketball junkie'?" He uses his fingers as quotation marks.

"I dunno," I say. "He just appears a lot."

"That's not suspicious at all."

"Hey! It's not like I like seein' the guy," I frown. "He's a dick."

"He's fucked over. He used to be a good guy."

"Didn't everyone? It's only a matter of time before things catch up to you, and being a 'good guy' becomes worthless."

"Oh," he bites his lip. "Didn't know you felt that way."

"Yeah, well... It's just the way life goes, huh?"

"I'm... sorry for what you've been through."

"It's nothing compared to everyone else."

"Don't compare your issues. It's not fair. Everyone is different," he tells me.

"It's my brother," I sigh. "He's the reason we went to the bar. Or, I guess, it's Yu's fault, in a way."

"Narukami?" He frowns. "Didn't you say he knocked Chisuke out?"

I nod, smiling a little. "Yeah."

"What did someone like him want there?"

"Overall, it's Shin's fault..."

"It doesn't matter who's fault it is," he shakes his head.

"Yu wanted answers. Answers to questions we just... couldn't understand."

"Why not?"

"Because he wouldn't tell us."

Giichi joins me, leaning against his kitchen side.

"I don't know what's going on with him, recently," I admit. "It's so hard to know what he's thinking."

"...Does this include when he pushed you away? When you tried to kiss him, I mean..."

I nod, slowly. "I guess. But that's not the point. If he doesn't want to be like that with me anymore, that's fine. It's just everything else that worries me."

"Want me to talk to him?"

"Uh, no offence... But I wouldn't say you're his favorite person in this town..."

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