Friends Don't Do The Things We Do

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Please note that this chapter midly talks about themes of sexual assault. If that makes you uncomfortable, please skip the first POV of the story.


Yu's POV:

"We lived in a small town," I tell him. "Everyone knew each other; it was like we were all family."

"That's sweet," he smiles, running his fingers through my hair laid down on his lap.

"When I was about five, Mom and Dad started taking work a lot more seriously. It's not like we were low on cash... I don't really know why they did," I sigh. "So, I ran away. Or, tried to... Until I got tired of walking."

"Ah," Yosuke chuckles. "Classic Yu. As dramatic as ever."

"Then I met these two dudes at the park. They were twins; anyone could see that. They shared the same dark hair, and same refined features. The eldest, Akrio, was pushing Arashi on the swings..."

Yosuke smiles softly at me. I know he's listening... He's not interrupting, either... It feels nice...

Shin would— No. I don't want to think of him right now.

"Akiro invited me to join them, and I did. They came from an orphanage down the street, so we'd meet up at the park every night. It became sort of a daily ritual, you know?

I never told them about my parents... They didn't need to know, right? About how I came to meet them, or anything like that... We just kinda enjoyed being together. We didn't go to the same school, so that made things a little difficult. But I always managed to take some stuff from home for us to eat and do at that park."

"Didn't your parents ever notice you were gone?"

"No... They worked all day, and were probably too tired to even care by the time they got home..."

"Shit, Yu..."

"Anyway... One time, when I went to school, I saw this timid young girl with short, red hair being picked on by some kids. I stuck up for her, but the guys only bullied us together..."


"Dunno. Probably because of my parents. They thought I was spoiled, and ungrateful... That wasn't it at all... And Rio, she got bullied because of her looks. She was scrawny, and thin, and short. Nobody would talk to her. But, when I came in to save her, she latched onto me like a leech." I chuckle a little. "It's not that I didn't like it. She was my best friend. I had to be there for her. Soon after, we all started hanging out together."

"Hm, sounds like she had a crush," Yosuke sings.

"That wasn't it," I shake my head. "She was shy, and socially awkward. It was a long time before she got comfortable around Akrio and Arashi... But it was all worth it. We all vowed to protect her as if she were our little sister."

"That's like you and Nanako," he comments.

"Yeah," I smile. "I suppose it is... Anyways, a couple months passed, and there was this new girl in school. She was pretty, and smart, so I have no idea why she took a liking to me. I think she was the one to have a crush on me, if anyone... Her name was Emi."

"Why didn't you confront her about her feelings toward you?"

"Honestly, I didn't see her that way. She was a sweet girl, don't get me wrong, but I knew Arashi liked her, anyways."

"So, the big five," he says, putting his hand atop of mine resting on my stomach.

"Yup," I chuckle. "That was us. We used to do everything together. For a while, it made me forget those things at home. Mom and Dad started to argue, but I didn't care. It was like they weren't in my life anymore. My friends were my new family...

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