The Night With You

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Yosuke POV:

"Goddammit," Kanji huffs, walking back through the front door.

"Geez, dude, what's your problem?" I ask, turning the TV off.

"Chie, man," he says. "She's a savage."

"So, don't you touch him again, you hear me?!" Chie yells from behind him, storming in.

"Aww, Chie-chan is so thoughtful," Teddie smiles smugly. He puckers up to her.

"Ew!" She says as she shoves him. "In your dreams, bear!"

"At least you know I dream of you," he coos.

"Gross, Teddie," Rise says.

"Is Senpai almost finished?" Naoto asks.

"He should be," Yukiko says, checking her cell.

Before anyone else can say anything, we hear the stairs creak beneath his weight. All eyes turn to the stairway.

"Hello, everybody," he says, a little shyly.

"Hey, again," Yukiko smiles.

"All cleaned up, Senpai?" Rise blushes. He nods.

"Great! Let's eat," Kanji says.

"Eat... what?" Chie sighs.

"Perhaps we could order takeout," Naoto suggests.

"Too informal!" Rise yells. "Senpai deserves the best."

"I don't mind, really," Yu says, trying to calm her down as he joins us in the living room.

"Don't settle for such low standards, Yu!" She turns to him. "You deserve so much more!" She wraps her arms around his neck, clearly taking him by surprise.

"Whoa, she really is a great actress," Chie mumbles.

"She just doesn't want anything to do with it," Kanji sighs. "Once again, we have to do all the work..."

"Uh, you guys," she glances over to us. "I don't see you making us food."

"Yes, Rise-san, we'll get right to it," Naoto surrenders.

"Great!" She smiles. "Senpai, Nanako-chan and I can play cards while you're at it."

"Are you serious?" I groan.

"Chop, chop!!" She claps her hands together.


"It's ready," Chie says, turning around with the ramen.

"Mhhm! It looks delicious, Chie-senpai," Rise gushes. "You guys made this all for Senpai?"

"Well, it wasn't like you were gonna help," Kanji scowls.

"Hey! Nanako-chan wanted to play with me," she folds her arms.

"You didn't have to, Rise-chan," Nanako smiles. "You could have cooked with your friends, if you'd liked."

"Hmph. See?" I say.

Yu chuckles quietly, and I feel my face flush.

Goddammit, what's going on?

I quickly look away.

"Anyways, let's eat," Yukiko says.


Yu's POV:

With You  (Souyo)Where stories live. Discover now