Dreams, They're Keeping Me Awake

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Yu's POV:

I know I'm dreaming. It's a lucid dream, for sure. How I got here, though, I can't remember.

All I know is that my head aches, and the whole of Inaba is covered in a thick fog.

I cough, shielding my eyes; trying to follow this newfound light.

When I reach the end of the fog, and meet the source of the emitting rays of illumination.

And it's Izanagi.

Me -- my other self, us all as one. Izanagi.

"What are you doing here?" I pant. He just stares at me. "I was talking to you," I yell, but he doesn't seem to be able to hear me.

"You are not in control," he says, gloomily.

"What does that mean?" I scoff, disappointed with his answer.

"They're coming."

"Who are coming?!" I snap. "Answer me!!"

"Yu," a familiar voice calls behind me. I quickly turn, revealing the figure.

"Marie?" I gasp, as she runs into my arms.

"You're here... You're back," she breathes.

"Where is... here?" I ask.

"Come with me." She grabs my hand, not saying another word as she leads me elsewhere.


We eventually reach a parked limousine just outside of Inaba, and she opens the door for me.

"The Nose wants to see you," she confirms.

Confused, I enter the car, Marie staying behind.

"Ah, I've been expecting you," The Nose-- I mean, Igor -- says. "Welcome to the Velvet Room. Long time no see."

"What's going on?"

"Ah, ah, ah," Igor tuts. "You must be patient."

"I'm starting to worry," I admit. "Our contract was over. Why am I here?!"

"Yes, our contract is finished," he nods, slowly. "But our time together remains."

Before I can ask what that means, Margaret buts in. "Another Persona user has been summoned."

"Meaning?" I say. "They fought their Shadow, and gained their Persona." I scoff, because I know that's how it goes.

"Not this person," she shakes her head. "No, this person is similar to you."

"What do you mean?"

"That of the Wild Card," Igor takes over. "Our latest Persona user is just like you. They gained their Persona without necessarily facing their true self."

"What does this have to do with me?" I ask.

"Where one story ends, another begins," Margaret tells me. "You know this user well. Or, so I can tell."

"You're saying I already have a bond with them?"

"That's what it would appear to be like," she confirms.

"Whichever path this user chooses to take," Igor says, "will determine the future for you, too."

"I'm linked with this person?" I ask, open-eyed.

He nods. "You have been here before, yes? You must guide them down the right path."

"Before it's too late," Margaret sighs.

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