Like A Piece of String

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Yosuke's POV:

I didn't mean to be an ass. It just kinda... happened, I guess.

What Giichi did was wrong; I get that. But it wasn't anything Yu couldn't handle.

...The fact that the Shadow cast a mirage spell on him... It was fucked up, but it wasn't Giichi's fault.

He can't blame everything on Giichi. He needs to focus on what really matters.

And... leaving him to die? We can't do that. We can't. It's not... right.

But... We'll save him. We'll save everyone here, and we'll all get back alive. Nobody is dying. Not today; not ever.

"Are they in there, Rise?" Chie asks, as we come to a halt outside what seems to be the backroom.

"Definitely," she confirms. "I'll listen in, don't worry. Just try to keep quiet, okay?"

"Right," Shin nods.

I turn and catch Yu staring at me. It's not the same look he usually gives me. This one is full of pain and torment. His lip quivers as he tries to look away. But I've already seen it.

"Hey," I say softly, putting a hand on his shoulder. "You okay?"

He wipes his mouth. "Yeah. Fine."

"Listen... I'm sorry, partner... I just... don't want to see somebody close to me dying again."

"...Close to you?" He repeats with a stone face.

"My f-friend," I swallow hard. I don't blame him for not believing me. I hardly sound convincing. And, given the situation, it makes me and Giichi look a lot more than friends. "Don't cry," I whisper, reaching my finger to wipe away a salty tear.

He shakes me off, looking away. "I'm not crying."

"Yu, it's okay," I soothe. "I love you."

He bites his lip, trying to hide the wobble in it. It doesn't fool me. I feel my way around his waist until my hands meet again, clasping. I lower my head onto his shoulder, and squeeze him a little tighter.

It takes him a couple of moments to return the favor. He takes great care of touching me, almost like I'm antique. He slowly drops his lips to the top of my head, pecking it gently. I chuckle.

"I never knew that..." Rise murmurs.

"Knew what?" Kanji says.

"Miura-san is her cousin."

"He's what?!" I pull away from Yu a little harsher than I had meant to. "Shin, what the fuck?!"

"I... I didn't know," he admits, staring at the ground.

"What do you mean, you didn't know?!" I yell, shaking his shoulders in a burst of rage.

She's... related to him? He was... doing her work for her? So... everything with me... was that all to get to Shin?

"Get off me," he shouts, pushing me to the ground.

Yu hurries to my aid, lending me a hand to get back on my feet.

In the next moment, the door swings open.

"Shit," Yu whispers.

"What the hell are you all doing here?!" The Shadow snaps.

"Is it true, Giichi?" I push past her so I can see eye-to-eye with him. "No bullshit, please."

He takes a moment to respond. "What are you talking about?"

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