Got You

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Yu's POV:

"Yasoinaba. I repeat: Yasoinaba. Our destination is near. Please ensure you have all your belongings with you. Anything left behind is by your own regard." The speakers boom.

"Finally," Chie groans, taking her suitcase from the baggage area above our seats; grabbing Yukiko's while she's at it.

"Want me to get anyone's?" Shin offers — him, too, already on his feet. But he's only really offering me; his eyes don't leave me.

"No, it's okay," Teddie shrugs. "I'm a big bear, now! Even Mom said so!!" He flexes his arms, climbing over Kanji to get to the aisle.

"Damn you, bear!!" He curses.

"Where are your bags, Yu?" He asks, already searching around for them.

"I've got them, thanks," I say, joining the standing group.

"I could get them, you know," he shrugs. "Really. I don't mind."

"Will you lay off?" Yosuke groans. "He can do it himself."

"But what about his leg?" He frowns. "And his arms, and his chest? If he stretches too much, he'll–"

"Quit worrying about me," I chuckle. "I'm fine. Why won't you believe me?"

"I do believe you," he says. "I just... wanna be of some use."

"Look, I really appreciate the offer, Shin. I know you're just trying to help, but I can do it on my own."

"Yeah," he nods, backing away so I can grab my stuff. "Sorry. Guess I'm not really used to just standing around."

"It's not like I'm gonna die anytime soon," I laugh.


"Eughh," Chie groans, a suitcase atop of her.

"Let me help," Yosuke quickly gets to his feet, helping pull the suitcase down.

"Geez, Yukiko," she huffs. "What the hell'd you have in here?! A bunch of rocks?!"

"Actually, I found some pretty ones while we were at the beach," Yukiko smiles innocently. "I just couldn't leave them!"

"She's going to be the death of me..." Chie mutters.

"You love her, though," Yosuke smirks.

"Of course I do, dumbass," she shrugs.

"I've got your bag, Yosuke," Shin says, handing the red backpack to him.

"Thanks," he says cautiously, taking the bag from Shin's hands.

"I want to make up for everything," he sighs. "Though I know it'll take time, I want to start slow."

"Don't try to butter me up," Yosuke frowns, swinging the backpack around his shoulder.

"I just want you to know that I love you."

"I already know that."

"It was just a reminder."

"You all best take your seats," Naoto warns. "The train will jerk some more when the brakes are hit."

"Good idea, Nao-chan!" Teddie smiles. "Oh, you're so wonderful!!"

"Teddie!" Yukiko snaps. "You're supposed to be in love with me."

"I- I am in love with you!!" He says, startled. "O-of course I am, Yuki-chan."

"Don't mess with him," Rise giggles. "He'll start to think he has a chance."

"He wishes," Chie pouts.

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