Fear In His Eyes

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Yu's POV:

I wait in the kitchen. I made myself a cup of coffee, too, in attempt to distract myself from the fantasy my mind had previously created.

The clock ticks.

But then it's silent.

Maybe with a couple of cars or so driving past, but it's still so very silent.

Teddie's asleep on Nanako's floor; I made sure of that.

The two were flat out when I came in. I'm just glad they weren't hyperactive. That would have been a pain.

I rub my finger around the rim of the cup, trying to think of something to say when he gets here.

I take a deep breath, and check the obnoxiously loud clock.

It's almost three am.

Suddenly, I hear a faint knock on the door.

I quickly sip my coffee before brushing my clothes down with my hands as I reach for the door.


Yosuke's POV:

"What's taking him so long?" I shiver. "I-it's cold."

Before my brother can reply, Yu opens the door with a numb look on his face.

He looks at the two of us for a brief moment.

"Hey," Shin begins. "Are you al--"

But he stops when Yu nuzzles his head into my shoulder, begging me to hold him.

I return the favor, and begin gently rubbing his back.

I can feel Shin's jealousy from a mile away.

A little before I had hoped, he lets go.

"Sorry," he sighs.

"No," I shake my head. "No, I'm... it's okay."

"Are you okay, though?" Shin asks him.

"Yes, yes, I'm fine," he lies.

"Tell that to the tissue overflow on the table." Shin smiles a little.

"God, I'm sorry," he frowns. "This isn't... regular. I mean, I'm not like this..."

"Hey, I'm glad we're here," Shin tries to reassure him.

"Please," he begs. "Just go home. You'll both be tired by morning."

"I don't give a crap about that," I snap. "I'm not leaving you like this."

"Yosuke, I'm fine. I swear. It was just a nightmare."

"It obviously bothers you," I scoff. "We care, Yu."

He sighs. "Come in."


All three of us sit down around the table in the kitchen. I wait for either of them to speak.

"Hey." Shin reaches across the table to Yu's clasped hands, rubbing them with his thumb.

To my approval, he quickly pulls away, trying to change the subject.

"I really think you two should leave," he starts.

"No way. Not until you tell us what's bothering you," Shin says. I'm even shocked that he included me in this we, too.

"Shin, please don't make such a big deal about this," he groans. "I really don't want to talk about it."

"The only way you can get it out of your system is if you discuss it. So, go ahead."

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