Your Secret

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Yu's POV:

As we reach the front doors of Junes, I have to squint my eyes through the window because of how dark it is inside. No lights, no electricity, nothing. Even the TVs usually have some form of light on, but they're all switched off, too.

I cup my eyes to the glass, looking around for the electronics department.

"There," I say, once I find it.

"Ooh! Good eye, Senpai," Rise smiles.

"Almost there," Teddie says, fumbling with the keys.

"Oh, goddammit, you stupid bear." Kanji snatches the keys from him, finding the correct one and sliding and turning it through the hole.

"I coulda done that," Teddie pouts.

"Yeah, well, if we'd actually did let you do it," Kanji says, "we'd be here all freaking day."

"Kanji!" Rise calls. "Apologize to him."

"I'm not gonna apologize to a-"

He stops mid-sentence, as we hear Yukiko's breath shorten.

"Hehhe..." Yukiko laughs. "Ahahahaha!"

"Again, seriously?!" Kanji throws his head back in disbelief.

"C'mon, you guys." Chie walks in. "We'll just leave her."

"N-no, Chie!" She says, between laughter. "D-don't leave me!"

"I'll stay here with Yukiko-san," Naoto suggests. "That way, no one is left alone."

"Great plan, Naoto," Kanji nods. "Alright, now let's go!"


Once we're inside the TV, the atmosphere feels really tense - scary, almost.

"Hey," Rise says, clinging on to me. "How come the girl who suggested we come here isn't actually here?!"

"You're just scared, aren't ya?" Kanji teases.

"I am not!"

"It's okay, Rise-chan, if any scary Shadows try to hurt you, I'll--" Teddie gets cut off.

"Don't finish that sentence," she warns, and Teddie doesn't say anything afterwards.

"We're here," Naoto calls suddenly from behind.

"Is she alright?" Chie asks, walking up to them.

"I sincerely hope so," Naoto sighs. "I had to sit her down for some time whilst she cooled off."

"I'm okay, now!" Yukiko assures everyone. "Definitely."

"...Just... nobody set her off again, okay?" Chie says, quietly.

"Ooh, check it out," Rise says, Himiko stood behind her.

"What's the matter, Rise-chan?" Naoto asks, eagerly. "Can you sense something?"

"Y-yeah..." she stammers.

"What's up?" Kanji steps forward.

"I-it's... it's just that I have this really weird feeling..."

"Weird feeling?" Teddie repeats. "What does it feel like?"

"I- I don't know, exactly," she continues. "It's like... a Persona user is here?"

"A Persona user?" Yukiko gasps. "Could it be Adachi?"

"No," I say, quickly. "I doubt he'd have access to a TV inside his prison cell."

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