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Yu's POV:

I just keep gulping it down, and gasping for air. Gulping, and gasping for air. It feels so good.

My head begins to spin, but that's the thrill of it, right? I know that if I stood up now, I'd surely collapse.

So I'll just let myself rot in here. All alone, with nobody around. Just let me go. Let me rest. Let me go.


Yosuke's POV:

"Still no word from Yu?" Shin opens my bedroom door, inviting himself in.

I sigh, closing my laptop lid. "No."

"Maybe we should go check on him," he suggests.

"Maybe we should leave him alone," I snap. "He doesn't want to see you. Get that inside your head."

"...What if he wants to see you?" He swallows hard.

"If he needs me, he'll call."

"...I'm just... worried, Yosuke."

"He's fine."

"You said he seemed off when you last saw him, didn't you?"

"Yeah?" I shrug. "That was because of Giichi."

"...What if something else is bothering him?"

"He would have told me."

"Maybe he couldn't," he mutters.

"Will you stop it?" I snap. "You're just making up excuses so you can see him again."

"That's not—"

"Get out, Shin."


Yu's POV:

"C'mere, ya idiot," a masculine voice murmurs, picking me up by my arms and laying me against the wall.

"Yo...suke...?" I mumble.

"He ain't here," the voice replies. "Dude, it's me, Kanji. What the hell happened?"

"Please..." I beg. "Go..."

"You're a fucking mess, man."

"I know that," I snap. "So leave me the hell alone. I don't need help from you. I don't need help from anyone, dammit."

"Calm down, dumbass," he scoffs. "You're only hurtin' yourself."

"Nanako..." I murmur. "Where is Nanako? I have to... I promised I'd—"

"Dojima-san has set out to pick her up," he explains. "I met him on the way, and he gave me the keys."

"Why... are you here?" I say.

"You weren't responding to my texts. Or Yosuke's, or Shin's, or Yukiko's, or Rise's. I knew something was up."

"Don't tell them," I slur. "Please."

"Dude, you need help."

"I don't," I shake my head aggressively. "I'll stop. I'll stop right now. I'll never touch a bottle of booze again. I swear to you."

"I wonder how many times you've used that line," he scoffs.

"Please, Kanji. If anyone, Yosuke can't know."

"He's worried about you."

"No." I shake my head. "You can't... You can't tell him... No... Kanji, please..."

"Get a hold of yourself!" He snaps. "What the hell happened to our calm and composed leader we had just a year ago?"

"He's gone, Kanji," I mutter.

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