Set In Stone

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Yu's POV:

I sit back with the I.T., and Yosuke sits opposite me. Shin decides to squeeze on the end of the booth, too, just beside me. I can hear Yosuke groan as it happens.

But I find it so hard to concentrate on all that they're saying. I'm sitting next to the guy I've cheated on. Twice. And the guy I did it with sits opposite.

My stomach twists so hard that I feel like I'm going to vomit. But, no - I don't regret what happened in the end cart not so long ago. In fact, I'll never forget it for all the right reasons. I just wish it'd have been under regular circumstances.

As bad as it sounds, I'd do it again in a heartbeat. Again, and again.

Another reason for Shin to hate my guts.

I wish I felt remorse. I do, I think. But it's not a lot. It's like I've ate the last chocolate cookie in the jar and lied to my parents about it - that's how it feels. A tinge of guilt, and then it's all gone. And I hate that.

I want to punish myself for what I did - punch myself in the face, slap a door, whatever. But even then I wouldn't be bothered.

Of course I feel like shit after all Shin's been through. I just broke his heart, for fuck's sake. I suppose it hasn't really sunk in, yet. The thought that I cheated - for a second time. It all just feels like some sort of surreal dream.

"Yu?" Chie snaps her fingers before my eyes, making me pull back.

"What?" I ask, dazed.

"Geez, do none of you listen?!" She groans.

"...Sorry, what were we talking about?" I scratch the back of my neck with a small laugh.

"What does it matter!" She throws her hands up in annoyance.

"You okay?" Yosuke asks.

"Yeah," I nod. "Sorry. Just gonna lie down for a bit."

"Still not feeling well?" Shin frowns, beside me.

"No," I murmur. Maybe it's a lie. Maybe it's not.

"B-but we were just about to play shogi!!" Teddie huffs, like he's been stabbed in the back.

"Gah, sorry, Ted," I mutter, patting him on the head before I stand up. "You guys play without me, yeah?"

"I will win for you, Sensei!" He salutes.

"Yeah, yeah." Shin clicks his neck to start the game. "I'll win for you, koibito. If it's the last thing I do."

"Yeah," I sigh. "Great. Thanks, guys."

I look back at Yosuke before leaving. He knows what it means.


Yosuke's POV:

He wants me to follow him. God, what a tease. Though a stupid smile creeps across my face at the thought of being alone with him after what happened.

...Maybe he wants to tell me he regrets it? That I was awful, and he wants to stop doing it?

Fuck, Yosuke. Why do you always have to overthink shit, dumbass?!

He does like me. He loves me, rather. He's not calling me over to break things off.

"Gonna head to the bathroom," I say, standing up.

"But the game's about to start!" Yukiko scoffs.

"I know," I shrug, trying to show sympathy. "Play without me, 'kay?"

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