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Yu's POV:

I keep checking our messages together. Hoping he's sent something, but the notification just hasn't come through. But, whenever I check, all it has is a little blue strip of text next to my last message, saying read.

I really fucked up. Why did I say that? I know he doesn't feel the same. I know he likes girls. He doesn't feel the same, regardless of what his Shadow said. I just... had hope, I guess. Stupid, I know... I just... I just hoped that...


I sigh, shaking my head, before moving onto my texts with Kanji.


Yu: Hey.

Kanji: Yo Senpai!!

Kanji: What's up?

Yu: Have you heard anything
from Yosuke?

Kanji: No why?

Yu: He's been avoiding me.

Kanji: Shit really?

Kanji: That's not like him

Yu: I know...

Kanji: How long has he
been avoiding you for?

Yu: A couple of hours.

Kanji: Yeah? And what happened
before that?

Yu: It's complicated.

Kanji: Did you say something
that upset him?

Yu: I don't know; he won't
talk to me.

Kanji: Do you think
you have?

Yu: ...Probably.

Yu: He said he needed space,
and I'm trying to give him it.

Kanji: But?

Yu: But I hate having to
keep a distance between the
two of us.

Kanji: God you are so
in love with him

Yu: That's not funny.

Kanji: Hahah you're missing
him already!

Yu: So what?

Yu: I'm just scared I ruined
things for good.

Kanji: C'mon Senpai
don't think like that

Kanji: Talk to him tomorrow
in school and see what he says

Yu: Okay..

Yu: Thanks, Kanji.

Kanji: Don't sweat it

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