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Yosuke's POV:

I wake up to the sun blinding my eyes once again. I look to my side, and see Yu still fast asleep.

Shit, I think to myself. I hope my Shadow didn't tire him out too much.

One other thing I notice is that our hands are still locked from last night.

I feel his palm sweating. Or... maybe that's mine? Shit.

I want to move it so badly, so he doesn't see it when he wakes up, but, at the same time, wouldn't that just disturb his sleep?

I keep it there, turning on my side to face him.

His nose is twitching, and I notice a scar I hadn't seen last night. It spreads across the bridge of his nose: like one of those stereotypical badass ones. Other than with him, he doesn't look intimidating. He just looks like he's in a war he cannot win.

"What are you thinking about?" He says, sleepily.

I've been lost in my thought so much that I hadn't realized he's woken up, and is now staring back at me.

"Your nose," I trace my finger across it, gently. "Does it hurt?"

"A little," he flinches. "But I'll be okay."

Then he looks down at our hands before looking back up and smiling at me.

"H-hey, don't give me that look!" I say, snapping my hand away from his.

He chuckles a little, sitting up.

"How're you feeling?" I ask. His scars still look as fresh and ever.

"Like shit," he smiles.

"Maybe we shouldn't go back there today," I reconsider.

"We're going today, Yosuke," he confirms.

"B-but if you're not up to it--"

He cuts me short.

"I don't want you to suffer anymore. And I also don't want you to argue with me any more. Am I clear?" He says, more sternly, this time. Like I'm something worth fighting for.

I nod finally, getting out of his futon.

"Crap," I sigh. "I don't have a clean set of clothes."

"Borrow some of mine," he says, pulling a t-shirt over his head.

"B-borrow some of yours?!" I repeat.

"Yeah, help yourself," he smiles. "I help Nanako with the laundry, so it shouldn't be a problem."

That's... not what I was worried about.

Suddenly, my phone rings.

"Take it, I don't mind," Yu says.

I nod, and sit back on his futon.

"Yosuke, where are you?" Yumi asks from the other end of the line.

"I'm kinda busy right now," I sigh. "Sorry."

"You need to start making time for me, Yosuke. Making time for us."

"Yeah, yeah, I know," I shake my head. "I'll visit you at lunchtime, okay?"

"Great." I can practically hear her smile. "Don't be late, okay?"

And she ends the call.


Yu's POV:

"Who was that?" I ask, turning to face Yosuke.

"Just... Yumi," he replies casually.

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