Just Come Home

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Yu's POV:


Yu: I'm coming over.

Yu: I'm sorry, but I'm not taking
no for an answer.

Yu: I'm so sorry, Yosuke.

Yu: I swear, I love you.

Yu: I'll see you soon.


Yosuke's POV:

"Oh. You're finally awake," Kanji chuckles, closing the door behind him.


"You want some breakfast? Mom's still in bed, but... I'm sure I can whip us something up?"

"I should go."

I climb off his bed, grabbing my jacket from his chair.

"Y-you sure?" He splutters. "You can stay, y'know, Senpai. Honestly, I don't mind-"

"I need to go home," I grunt.

"No, you don't," he shakes his head. "Listen, just calm down, alright? What's the rush?"

"My head was a mess last night," I grunt. "I shouldn't have stayed here. Mom and Dad are gonna—"

"Dude, chill out. I called them last night to let them know you were staying here. That... being home was too hard on you."


"Yeah," he smiles. "So chill out, okay? I can't remember the last time you and I spent time alone together."

"That sounded pretty weird."

"Shit, it did, didn't it?" He chuckles. "Anyway. Let's go, alright?"

"I'm not hungry." I sit back down on his bed, with my jacket over my knees.

"Come on," he urges. "It's almost midday; you've gotta be starvin'."

I shrug. "I'm fine, honestly. You just go get something. "

"I won't leave you."

"I'm not a some kid, Kanji."

"...You're as bad as Yu," he sighs.

"Listen, I appreciate the hospitality and all, but I don't want to talk right now."

"...I know I'm no good with sentimental type shit... But, dude, you know Shin would want you to-"

"You didn't know him," I spit. "None of you did. All you did was fucking badmouth him."

"H-hey, you did, too!"

I bite my tounge hard, trying to hold back the masses I could say.

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