Lash Out

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Yu's POV:

As soon as the lunch bell rings, Yosuke darts out of the classroom. I want to follow him, but an arm holds me back.

"Hey," the new guy says. "Can I have lunch with you?"

I turn around. "H-huh? With me? Why?"

"I don't know anyone here," Shin admits. "Besides you."

He means I caught his attention earlier, huh?

I sigh. I know I can't say no; it's not the type of person I am. Eventually, I open my mouth to speak. "Sure."

He follows me up to the rooftop, where the rest of the group awaits.

"Damn, has Yosuke-senpai finally hit puberty?" Kanji jokes.

"My name is Shin Hanamura," he bows.

"W-wait, what?" Kanji looks perplexed.

"He's Yosuke's older brother," Chie clears up.

"Yosuke-kun has an elder brother?" Naoto asks.

"I've been away for a couple of years, so you probably haven't heard much about me from him," Shin sighs.

"Hold up, so... where is Yosuke-kun now?" Rise asks.

"I.. don't know," I shrug.

"Well, we can't just leave the guy," Kanji says. "We gotta go find him."

"Just leave him be," Shin butts in. "He's clearly expressed how he feels for Narukami over here." He motions over to me.

"Hm? What does that mean?" Kanji says, slowly, watching me.

"He hates the guy," Shin replies.

"What?!" Naoto's expression changes drastically. "He could never hate Yu-senpai... He's too important to him."

"Not anymore," Shin sighs.

"Senpai," Rise frowns. "Is this true?"

I nod, slowly.

"Shit," Kanji gets up and pulls me into a hug. "I'm sorry, man. I know how much he meant to you."

And, suddenly, I can't hold it in anymore.

I collapse into his arms, creating muffled sobs into his jacket's shoulder. He gently pats my back, turning me away from everyone; so that nobody can see what a mess I am.

"Yu-kun..." Yukiko begins.

"That's so unfair," Chie yells. "That's it: me and Yukiko are going to smack some sense into the bastard!"

"What?" I say, startled, wiping my eyes.

"C'mon, Yuki," she grabs her girlfriend's hand.

"Hey, wait a second here!" Kanji yells after them.

The two girls turn.

"Don't... make the situation worse, okay?"

"I'm not going to let this slide," Chie says through gritted teeth.

"Don't ruin this for Yu-senpai," he sighs.

"Okay," Chie grunts. "We won't."

"I'm serious, Chie-senpai."

"Yeah... Me, too."

And she takes Yukiko from the roof, going god knows where.

"I wonder how this'll go," Rise says, sadly.

"They're seriously pissed for you," Shin points out.

"I know," I sigh.

"You have good friends, Narukami."

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