Don't Want To Hear It, But I Got To Know

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Yosuke's POV:

I rush through the pouring rain, weaving in and out of people on the sidewalk.

"Yosuke!" I hear an exasperated voice call from behind. "Slow down!"

I quickly turn, trying to ignore my frustration.

"Hurry the hell up, then," I snap back to him.

"What's the matter?" Teddie asks, catching up to me. "Did something happen between you and Sensei?"

"Shut up, Ted," I growl.

"Sheesh! I'm just trying to help! No need to be so rude about it."

I instantly feel regret that I just yelled at him. I mean, he didn't do anything wrong. But, neither did Yu. So, who am I mad at?!

Maybe I am mad at him. Maybe I'm mad at my stupid Shadow. Or maybe I'm just mad at my stupid self.

Though I think I'm most mad at Yu. He wanted my Shadow to do that? I mean, what the fuck!? That's wrong on so many levels... He's my best friend, and he should have thought about how I'd feel about it.

I slow down, eventually coming to a halt.

Teddie quickly notices it, and falls back with me.

"Come on, Yosuke," he urges, despite my bitchiness toward him. "We gotta get home."

"Whatever," I sigh.

"Yosuke, you can't just keep expressing your anger like this," he preaches, like he's a damn professional.

"Like what?" I ask, with a sharp tone.

"Like that!" He points to me. "You're taking your anger out on anyone who tries to help you! It's not fair!"

"Nothing in this world is fair, Teddie," I reply.

"Not with that attitude it's not," he pouts.

"Okay," I say, going along with his new profound 'therapy'. "So, how should I express my... anger?" I say the last part through gritted teeth. I hate to admit when I'm angry. Or sad, for that matter. It's just like you're accepting part of you that you don't want. Just like Shadows.

"Talk to people," he replies, like it's that simple.

"I tried!" I yell, again. But, then I lower my tone. "I'm sorry."

"Why don't you talk to me?" He offers with a smile.

"You wouldn't understand."

"Why not?"

"You don't understand this sort of stuff."

"Try me," he hmphs.

"Y'know... Yu and I have been... pretty close since the beginning," I say.

"Yeah?" He leans forward to listen in more.

"And... sometimes... I feel... different... around him," I try to hint as much as possible without actually saying it.

"And?" He presses.

"Shit," I curse beneath my breath. "Like in the way Chie feels around Yukiko."

"Like... in a love way?" He queries.

"L-love?" I stammer. "No! Of course not!!" I begin to shout, and notice people start staring at us as we walk across the street.

"I'm confused," Teddie admits. I sigh, putting my face in my hands.

"I don't know all the details, yet," I say, quietly. "But I'll let you know when I find out."

He only nods, before skipping ahead of me. Home is still quite a bit away, so I pull out my phone.

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