I Will Never Leave You

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Yu's POV:

"Shit!" I grunt, watching as the sun peeps through the windows. "Yosuke, Nanako, wake up!" I shake the two of them with each of my hands. "We're going to be late."

"What?" He grumbles, rubbing his eyes.

"Come on, Nanako." I grab her hand.


"Go get ready, alright?"

"U-um... okay..."

"I'll make breakfast. Hurry."

She nods, still a little unsteady on her feet, as she heads upstairs.

"And, you..." I say, pulling Yosuke up. "You go get my spare uniform from upstairs."

"Do we really have to go in today?" He groans, slumping back down on the couch.

"Yes," I sigh, moving for the kitchen and taking out the frying pan from the cupboard.

"But... Dude," he whines. "My back aches."

"Yeah, well, that'll teach you not to fall asleep on the sofa."

"Please, Yu? I can't face all those assholes right now. Just one day?"

"No. We're going in, and that's final. So go get ready."

"You suck, man."

"Yosuke, I'm not messing around here," I snap. "I have to take Nanako to school and still get to Yasogami on time. Stop arguing!"

"Okay, okay, sheesh..." He mumbles.

"Well? Go!"


Yosuke's POV:

"Why aren't you dressed?"

Yu steps into the room, closing the door behind him.

I shrug.

"Come on," he groans. "Breakfast is ready. Nanako should be out of the bathroom in a minute."

"You can't say much," I scoff. "You're still in your pyjamas, too."

"It takes me five minutes to change."

"And it takes me longer?"

"Yosuke, please," he grimaces. "I don't have the time to argue with you."

"Hey... Just chill out, okay?" I chuckle.

"I can't... chill out, dammit."

"Dude, it's not that serious."

"Will you shut your mouth?" He snaps. "I have to help Nanako. Get changed."

He turns away again, closing the door as he leaves.

...I didn't mean to upset him.

I mean... I was just trying to make him laugh a little, or something.

But, I get it. I'm not helping.

Dammit, Yosuke, why can't you keep your big mouth shut for once!?

I've only made the situation worse. I get that he wants to get to school on time, but I don't. I don't wanna go at all.

I don't need some pity party.

I don't want people to start pretending they give a shit, like they did when Saki died.

The last thing I want is to spend the day surrounded by people who just gossip about Shin. Who come up with some crazy conspiracies about what he got involved in. Just the thought of it pisses me off.

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