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Yu's POV:

The rain falls heavily on my jacket, soaking through, burning my skin.

I'm out of the practice building by now, and I'm heading away from the school. I don't know where I'm going. Honestly, I don't even care.

I do like Yosuke. I do. A lot.

But he's not like that. He's... he has a girlfriend. He doesn't want me. How could he ever want me?

Suddenly, I hear a voice through the thick rainfall.

"Senpai!" A masculine voice says. "Wait up!"

I recognize the voice, stop, and turn to face the figure.

"Goddamn, you're a fast walker," Kanji huffs.

"Why'd you follow me?" I ask, coldly.

"I know you care about him."

"Huh?" I pause.

"Yosuke, dumbass."

"Hm." I avoid his gaze.

"C'mon, I'm freezin' out here," he shudders. "Let's go back in."

"I'm not going back in."

"Aw, c-come on, Senpai," he stammers through chatted teeth. "W-we're gonna catch a cold."

"You can go, Kanji," I turn away from him. "I'll be fine."

"Bullshit," he rolls his eyes. I don't even have to look at him; I can hear it in his tone. "Y-you have to talk to him."

"There's nothing to talk about," I sigh. "Rise was right. He has a girlfriend. He has every right to have a girlfriend. I don't own him."

"That... wasn't his girlfriend!"

"Oh, yeah?" I cock my head slightly. "And how would you know?"

"Listen, I know I may not be the smartest in the group, but Yumi is way out of Yosuke's league."

"Hey!" I snap, defensively.

"See? You think he's better."

"Because he's my partner," I pout.

"Partner..." He says the word as though he's contemplating it. "And, uh, how long has he been calling you that?"

"I dunno," I shrug. "Since last year?"


"God, Kanji, I can't remember. Not long after we formed the Investigation Team."

"Hm," he thinks to himself. "And why 'partner'? Why'd he call you it in particular?"

"Dude, what is wrong with you?"

"Answer the question," he smirks slightly.

"Partner... because we're more than just friends?"

"Aha!" He yells.

"Wait, no! I meant we're better than friends!" I cringe to myself.

"Senpai, define the word 'partner'."

"Kanji, I'm not a walking dictionary."

"Just try."

"Uh, I don't know... Two people who work together?"


"Or?" I ask.

"Or, two people of a romantic relationship."

"He didn't mean it like that, though," I say.

"How'd you know? You ever asked him?"

I don't reply.

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