Love and War

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Yosuke's POV:

I walk on stage, my breath coming to a halt as the audience stays silent.

"Who are you?" Yumi calls to me. I see the shadows of the crowd staring straight at me. I squint, trying to see Yu, but to no avail. My palms go all sweaty, and my heart begins to race. "Sir?" She goes on. "Tell me, who are you?"

Um... Line?! Oh... yeah. "Your name is Mei, right?"

"That wasn't my question," she frowns, flattening down her white skirt. "I wanted to know who you are."

"I am here to protect you."

"Protect me? Ha, please... I can handle myself. Who sent you?"

"Who sent me is not relevant," I shake my head. "I need you to come with me."

"I refuse to go anywhere with you until you tell me your name!" She stomps her foot, echoing throughout the gym.

I sigh. "My name is Mamoru. That's all you need to know."

"Where are we headed?" She frowns.

"I must show you someplace."


"Someplace... um..." I look around, breathing heavily. I reach into my pocket, and pull out my dice to squeeze.

He's with me. He's watching me right now. He knows I can do this.

"Someplace you know well," I finally finish.

I hear a sigh of relief from Yumi. "Oh? And where might that be?"

"Mei?" Her sister calls. "Oh, Mei, I was so worried for you!" She quickly hugs Yumi, and gazes at me. "Who is this?"

"I am none of your concern," I frown. "Let us go, Mei-chan."

"Mei? You're leaving with him?"

"No..." She shakes her head. "I'm sorry, Mamoru... But I can't go with you."

"I see..." I sigh.

"I must go home, before it's too late."

"Mei... Your home is gone."

"Wh-what?" She stammers. "What do you mean?!"

"I tried to stop it," I explain. "But it was too far gone."


"Your father sent me to watch over you."

"My father... where is he?!"

"He wanted me to give you this," I sigh, handing Yumi a note.

Her eyes quickly scan across it, as she shakes her head. "This can't be true..."

"That's why I came to warn you," her sisters whispers.

"Warn me?"

"They're after you next."

Yumi looks to me for confirmation. I nod.

"I want to go. I want to see my village."


Yu's POV:

Suddenly, I feel a heavy weight droop down onto my shoulder. I look to the side. Ah, Shin. He's flat out. Haha... What was he doing all night?

I consider waking him up, but I decide against it. If he's tired, I'll leave him be. It's the least I can do.

"God, is he sleeping?" Miura leans forward in his seat to see us.

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