Guardian Angel

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Yosuke's POV:

Damn... I must have fallen asleep with him...

I turn my head slightly to examine my sleeping partner. He's so pretty. Even if he's drooling over me... Then again, these are his clothes, so I shouldn't complain too much.

I check his clock, and see that it's 11pm. That's not too late... Though Yu must have been tired.

I'm gonna have to go home. I know that.... I can't just stay here all night... But I know Shin will beat the shit out of me if he finds out what happened today. Ha. Is it bad that that kind of makes me smile?

I slowly lift his head from my chest and replace it with a pillow. He groans a little, frowning. But I'm fairly sure he's still asleep.

I tiptoe to the other end of the room, and realize that I'm only wearing underwear and a shirt. I scan the area for my old pants. They're dirty, but they'll have to do.

Once I cover up, I gently creak his door open, and leave.

God, does it pain me to do so...

He trusted me to stay. But I hope he understands why I left... I can't do this with him anymore. We're just friends. That's what he says. But it's not true. And it hurts every time he says it.


I open the front door discreetly, but he's caught me.

"Where have you been?" Shin asks, turning on the lights for me.

"With Yu," I mutter.

"All night?"

"What's it matter to you?"

"You could have told me he was with you!" He snaps. "I had to find out from Yukiko, for god's sake."

"He's fine."

"What if those thugs got him, hm?"

"They didn't. He is okay," I sigh.

"You're worried, too. Don't lie."

"Of course I'm fucking worried, Shin. He means the world to me. I don't know what I'd do if something happened to him..." I rub my forehead.

"How do you think I'd feel, huh? Knowing this is all my damn fault."

"So what if it's your fault?" I scoff. "You can still make up for it."

"Can I?"

"Shin, I'm tired. Just... let me go to sleep."

"Not until you tell me what's up with him. He won't tell me anything."

"Have you ever thought maybe that's because he doesn't want you to know?"

"...Why wouldn't he?"

"I don't know. You're controlling, Shin. God..."

"...I am?"

"You expect to know every little thing that happens in his life. Don't you think he finds that annoying?"

"I- I was just trying to show him that I care."

"I know..." I sigh. "Listen, he's calmed down now, okay? Don't worry."

"Did you skip afternoon classes to see him?"

"Well, yeah. I mean it's not like you were gonna."

He doesn't reply. Must have hit him where it hurts.

"Goodnight, Shin," I say, walking away from my stunned brother.


Yu's POV:

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