One Hell of A Ride

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Yosuke's POV:

"That's something I'll never do," I whisper, wincing at the thought.

"Please," he begs.

"You say you don't want me to leave, but then you say that's all you want," I scoff, catching the tears in my eyes. "It's so fucking confusing, Yu.."

"I'm trying to let you down easily," he murmurs, looking away. "For good."

"No," I snap, suprising him. "You're not getting rid of me."


"You're hot and you're cold. You can't make up your damn mind," I frown. "I don't know what to do."

"Listen to me," he groans. "It's what's best for everyone."

"You can't seriously expect me to just walk out of your life after all we've been through," I shake my head, gritting my teeth.

"It was inevitable, Yosuke," he sighs. "Nothing is permanent."

"Not if we don't try," I correct him.

"Go find yourself another guy, okay? Another guy who's... smart, and kind, and always there for you."

"That's you. That's only ever gonna be you. You're the only one who... who I can be myself around."

"I can't always be there, Yosuke... I'm always shifting – you know that," he sighs. "It's not fair for you."

"Just let me help you," I say. "This won't last forever. Your depression will end."

"When does it end?" He whispers.

"It ends when you reach out for help."

"No," he shakes his head.

"...When you reach out for me."

He doesn't respond.

"I promise you, I will not drag you down. I swear I'll do my best until the very end to make you smile. If you'll just let me."

"Why do you care about me so much?" He laughs a little, shallowly.

"Dunno," I shrug. "Love's strange, isn't it? ...I guess I'm just really glad we stopped ignoring it."


"You love me too, right?"


"Don't deny it," I chuckle. "You've said it tons of times when you've been drunk."

"O-oh," he blushes a little.

"So, Yu," I smile. "Take my hand."

"I really don't see how this–"

I grab his hand in mine, cutting him off. He looks very confused, but I don't mind.

His hand is a sandwich in mine, trying to wiggle free.

"This is the end," I say.


"Of us flying solo. We're in this together now, whether you like it or not."


"I'm still involved. No amounts of alcohol is ever going to drown me out."

"You're stubborn, you know that?" He smirks.

"Only about things I'm passionate about."

I see his eyes move to my lips with a grin. I bite them, smiling.

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