Your Wish Is My Command

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Yosuke's POV:

I keep getting these... thoughts of Yu.

Of him with Shin... Or of him in pain. Of his funeral. Of... his death.

I'm starting to think Giichi has something to do with this; I'm not someone who naturally has intrusive thoughts.

But, why?

I know they're fake, but... It feels so damn real. To the point where I have to catch my breath and just remind myself that it's all just a bad thought.

And they just don't go away.

I can't escape them. Not when I'm laying in bed like this.

I turn over to Giichi, furrowing my eyebrows.

How, though?

He lays sound asleep, and I just don't get it. He can't seriously be able to do this... right?

But I know the flashbacks of earlier aren't his doing.

It's what I did. I left Yu with a deep cut. I thought he was gonna bleed out.


I sit up, feeling the sweat stick my shirt to my body, panting heavily.

Another nightmare about him.

I shake my head, trying to shake the thoughts away.

I look over to the cameras. The town is really pretty with all the lights on at night. It kinda makes me miss home.

Man, what am I saying? This is my home, now. Giichi's made that quite clear.

I turn my head to the chair I was sitting in earlier. I have to rub my eyes to confirm what I'm seeing.


I don't remember summoning him. But, somehow, he's here now. He sits in the chair, staring right at me, slouching over his legs.

"Can't sleep either, huh?" Stupid question; if I can't, of course he can't.

He whines like a little puppy missing his buddy. And, well, I guess he is. "I miss him, too," I sigh.

Of course, he probably misses Izanagi, but... I miss his wielder.

I can't believe I left him. After I promised... I promised so many times. I promised so he'd believe me. And... I let him down.

I roll over to glance at Giichi. He only takes up one side of the bed, so I don't have to worry about him being in my space. His shirt creeps halfway up his chest, his underwear showing.

He says he knows what he's doing. He says he has control.

Control means power, right? I don't doubt he's more powerful than all of the Investigation Team combined. Especially minus Yu.

I don't really want to take the chances of him hurting my friends; least of all my partner.

I told myself I'd fight him until the end, but... He has control over my mind. I'm powerless. I want to fight back, but... I'm scared of the consequences.

Fuck. If Yu were in my situation, he'd easily outsmart this asshole. Ha, but I'm not smart like him, am I? I'm just pathetic. I can't even fight for him. I gave up like the loser I am.

I just hope he can forgive me one day.


Yu's POV:

As soon as I get the news I'm discharged, I'm out of there.

Hospitals have scared me since last year. Seeing Nanako lay lifeless in that bed... It just brings back some of the worst memories.

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