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Yosuke's POV:

Giichi cradles me in his arms as I weep. God, I feel so useless. Why couldn't I have saved him? Why didn't I stop him from leaving with Shin? Why did Shin choose him? I'd give anything... Anything to be with him right now.

I don't care how much it hurts; I just want him. I want him to stay. If I promised that, why can't he? It's all I want.

'Cause fuck everyone else, right? Fuck 'em all. All that matters is us. Fuck Giichi, and fuck Shin, too. They both got in the goddamn way.

This would have been so much simpler if I'd faced my feelings from the beginning. If I showed him how capable I was at loving... Maybe he'd be cradling me in his arms right now.

But, what for? If everything were perfect, why would I cry? Maybe because nothing last forever. It's all just a mirage inside our heads.

"It's okay," he whispers, rubbing his hand up and down my back. "I'm not gonna go anywhere."

And I hate him for that.

I want him to leave. But I have no one else.

"You better not," I mumble.

"...Hey, let's go back to my place, yeah? I'll make you some hot chocolate and something to eat."

"Fine, but no funny business, alright?" I chuckle.

"Of course not," he smirks.

He kisses the top of my head and holds it there for a good few seconds. Weirdly, it feels comforting. Like he really does care about me.


Yu's POV:

I hear the sound of water stopping soon before Shin emerges from the bathroom, covered in only a towel.

"You look comfortable," he smirks, motioning to me laying on the double bed in the center of the room.

"Yeah, it is pretty cozy," I chuckle.

"Right... Sorry that there's only one bed," he frowns.

"It's fine," I shrug. "It can't be helped; there were no other rooms available."

"I can sleep on the floor tonight, if you want," he offers.

"No," I shake my head. "It's honestly fine. It's not the first time I've shared a bed with you."

"I- I know..." He sighs. "I'll keep my distance, alright? No tryna kiss you, or anythin'."

"Try to resist the temptation," I tease.

"That's so not fair," he pouts. "Anyways, I saw a restaurant just down the road. Wanna check it out?"

I check my watch and notice that it's already 7pm. Just on cue, my stomach starts to rumble.

"Not hungry," I shrug.

"Dude, you think I'm deaf or something?" He grins.

"Sorry," I sigh. "Just don't wanna eat right now."

"It won't be a date," he shrugs. "I swear it. It'll be the most bro-ly type of thing ever."

"'Bro-ly'?" I cringe.

"Yeah, y'know!" He smiles. "Like, not romantic."

"I appreciate it, Shin, really," I chuckle. "You go. It's alright."

He sighs in defeat. "Okay, then... I'm just gonna go to the supermarket and get some stuff for us to eat later. Any requests?"

"Nothing in particular."

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