Big Bro

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Yu's POV:

When I wake up, I see Shin drooling through the camera.

Ha, I think to myself. Even if I'm still pissed at him... he can be adorable sometimes.

I think about waking him up, but I can't bring myself to. He just looks so peaceful and at rest.

Nanako knocks on my door.

"Big bro?" She calls. "Are you awake?"

"Yeah, yeah, I'm awake," I reply.

"Um.. I made you some breakfast, if you want it."

"Oh, yeah. Thank you. I'll be down in a sec."

"She's sweet." At first, I'm startled as to where the voice came from, but then I remember Shin.

"You were eavesdropping."

"Was not. You had a conversation with me present."

"I thought you were asleep," I tell him.

"Why, were you checking me out?" He smirks.

"Shut up," I blush lightly.

"You can go," Shin says. "I need to get ready, anyhow."

"Are you sure you don't want me to stay on call for that, too?" I tease.

"Not unless you want to," he winks.

"W-wait, what?!" I suddenly catch on to what he means.

"I'm kidding, Narukami. I'll walk you to school, so just wait at your house, 'kay?"

"You don't have to," I shrug.

"I want to, serious."

"Okay. See you then."

"See you then."


Yosuke's POV:

Shin's the last one to wake up. As usual.

"Morning," he yawns.

"Oh, you're awake," Mom says, still preparing breakfast.

"Sorry.. I had a long night."

"How was your first day?" She stands angled, so she can see his face and keep an eye on the food all at once.

"It was... good," he smiles.

"He even made new friends," Dad chips in.

"Already?" Mom giggles. "That's my boy."

"I'm just glad they didn't judge me because of, you know, the age difference," he admits.

"It's only a couple of years older," Dad shrugs. "You spoke to Hana yet?"

"Nah. Not since I got here."

"Why not?" Mom frowns. "She'll start to think you don't care about her anymore."

"It's just... hard. With different timezones and all."

"Hm," Dad hums.

"Are you two walking to school together? Mom asks.

"Nah. I'm meeting someone," Shin says.

"Oh?" She smiles.

"Yeah. He's pretty cool."

I know who he means. And it pisses me off.

"Why doesn't Yosuke walk with you two?" She suggests.

"Oh, uh," Shin sighs.

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