Worth It

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Yu's POV:

"I got it," Shin clasps his hands together. "An underwater breathing contest."

"Bo-ring," Teddie sings.

"You're on," Yukiko says.

"C'mon, Yu," he urges.

"Nah, I think I'll pass."

"Don't be such a spoil-sport," Kanji teases.

"Sorry. Just not in the mood."

"Suit yourself," Shin shrugs.

"What imbeciles.." Naoto shakes her head as Kanji, Yukiko and Shin all dunk their heads under the water.

"Yukiko's got my support, definitely," Rise smiles.

"I second that!!" Teddie grins.

I take a couple of steps back until I'm beside Yosuke.

"I'm sorry that she came."

"Why?" I scoff. "It's not your fault."

"She, um, wanted me to give you her number," he sighs. "But... I ripped it up."

I let out a sigh of relief.

"I figured you didn't want to talk to her."

"Thank you, Yosuke."

"I want you to know that you don't have to forgive her."

"...I know."

"Not for anyone's sake," he mutters. "She may have been only fourteen, but you were equally as young. She had control over her own actions."

"I don't plan on forgiving her," I say, simply.

"...Good," he smiles a little. "I'm... glad."

"I just wanna get out of here. Never have to see them again."

"Does that include your friends?"

I shrug. "Maybe."


"I have better friends, now. I have... you."

"D-dude..." He chuckles.

Our hands are so close that the water practically pushes them together.

He jumps a little in shock before relaxing.

"You shouldn't meet with them tomorrow," he says, after a short while.

"Why not?"

"Because... she'll be there. I know you don't want to run away in front of your friends."

"Yosuke, I'm being a child, okay? I'm just overreacting."

"You're not," he sighs. "You have every right to act this way."

"It's the least I can do for them."

"After they didn't bother to contact you for years?"

"...Will you come?"


"Will you come," I ask, "to meet them with me?"

"W-with the others, right?"

"...Sure," I shrug.

"Y-yeah. O-of course I will."

"Thanks," I smile.

"Uh, Yu?"


"Can I...?" He reaches out with his free hand to touch my chest. I flinch a little at first, but I quickly calm down. Because I know I'm safe with him.

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